BORTAS Instrument Configuration – v2 Steve Devereau 6th April 2010
Changes since V1 Pyrgeometers removed (no longer supported). Red pyranometers left fitted in their place.
Internal / External Configuration
External Configuration
Instruments Fitted (1) Thermometers, Heimann, General Eastern yes SWS No GPS, GIN, RADALT SHIMS Turbulence Probe (nose) Yes Ozone AIMMS-20 turbulence probe SO2 No - discontinued SATCOM Core Chemistry NOx Wx RADAR Raw data recorded, but no method of displaying that data yet CO Dropsondes (RD93) no NOx (Nitrate rack) Clear pyranometers Los Gatos Fast Greenhouse Gas Analyser (CH4/CO2/H2O) Yes – installation in May Red pyranometers PAN pyrgeometers No – not supported CCN, CPC JO1D, JNO2 Yes (still short of one JO1D) WAS Yes. Can only fit 5 from 7 WAS at moment, should be rectified by May to allow 7 from 7 to be fitted Large Radiometers, IR Camera Mini-LIDAR
Instruments Fitted (2) TDLAS No CDP Peroxide/Formaldehyde CAPS no PERCA Manchester FSSP PTRMS Yes AMS yes VACC CVI Nevzorov, Johnson-Williams, Total Water LIF 2DC/2DP CIMS & CW-QCLAS PCASP FAGE Fast FSSP BBCEAS CIP25/CIP100 Strathclyde 4C-PQCLAS SID2/SID3 SP2 (Manchester Cloud Rack)
Other Instruments Are any of the following required ? Mini-LIDAR (16kg optical head, 158 kg rack) Manchester Aerosol Rack-SP2 (224 kg) Any of the “new” racks, fitted/about to be fitted since the last instrument discussion in 2009: CIMS/CW-QCLAS (224 kg) Strathclyde 4C-PQCLAS (approx 140 kg) LIF (approx 220 kg) BBCEAS (220 kg)
Seats, WAS and Crew The weights shown are based upon: All 9 pairs of seats fitted A full set of WAS cases on board An initial transit crew of 2 Pilots, 1 Operations, 1 Engineer, 1 CCM, 6 Science Crew (11 in total) A crew in Canada of 2 Pilots, 1 CCM and 9 Science Crew
Aircraft Weight (with the Configuration Shown) for Science Transits Basic Operating Mass = 28068* kg Zero Fuel Mass with proposed minimum crew (2 Pilots, 1 Engineer, 1 Ops, 1 CCM) = 28409* kg Science crew of 6 (92 kg each) = 552 kg Mission 1, PTRMS, Core Chem, Flight Manager, WAS/Filters, AMS = 6 Zero Fuel Mass with crew (2 Pilots, 1 CCM, 1 Engineer, 1 Ops) + Science Crew = 28409 + 552 = 28961* kg Max T/O Mass = 42184 kg Therefore there is 13223* kg available for crew baggage, pack-up and fuel Max fuel = 12200 kg *Preliminary figures based on the current aircraft weight & balance manual With 7 WAS cases in the rear hold, included in the BOM
Aircraft Weight (with the Configuration Shown) for Science Flights Basic Operating Mass = 28068* kg Zero Fuel Mass with crew (2 Pilots, 1 CCM) = 28225* kg Science crew of 9 (92 kg each) = 828 kg Mission 1, Mission 2, Mission 3, PTRMS, Core Chem, PAN/WAS, Flight Manager, AMS, Filters = 9 Zero Fuel Mass with crew (2 Pilots, 1 CCM) + Science Crew = 28225 + 828 = 29053* kg Max T/O Mass = 42184 kg Therefore there is 13131 kg available for fuel, but max fuel approx is 12000 kg Therefore there is room for more instrumentation/crew and still allow a full fuel load on board *Preliminary figures based on the current aircraft weight & balance manual With 7 WAS cases in the rear hold, included in the BOM
Opportunities to save extra weight The aircraft will be weighed after its repainting in May. The new paint scheme will hopefully save us weight As we will strip the aircraft before painting, we will take the chance to remove redundant cabling etc We could remove seats - including at the detachment base (34kg per seat-pair) if we have less crew on board