Warm Up: In 1585, England began to send settlers to live in English territory in America. What would make a person leave his/her home in England to settle in the new world? Write a short paragraph answering the question on your small piece of paper!
What caused the colonists of the first English colony to disappear? Today’s Question: What caused the colonists of the first English colony to disappear?
Agenda: Video Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvmvxnhcCaA (1:37-4:30, 5:50-9:13) In groups: Look at clues and come up with hypotheses Come to a final conclusion
Colony: A settlement ruled by a far away power
Roanoke Island: England’s First Colony, 1587
What caused the colonists of Roanoke to disappear? What is your hypothesis ? Hypothesis: an explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
Clue Sets: Your group will receive three sets of clues to help you solve this mystery. Read the set of clues Write down 3-4 pieces of information Revise your hypothesis if necessary *After you have read each set of clues, you will come to a final conclusion about what caused the disappearance of the settlers*
Observations from Clue Set #1: Revised Hypotheses:
Observations from Clue Set #2: Revised Hypotheses:
Observations from Clue Set #3: Revised Hypotheses:
Final Conclusion: What caused the colonists of Roanoke to disappear? With your group: Discuss the evidence and come up with a final conclusion. Create a diagram on the left side of your notebook to show your final conclusion.
Roanoke Diagram: On page 43 of your notebook, create a diagram showing what you think happened to the Roanoke settlers. Use pictures, symbols and labels to explain your answer. Include at least 2-3 pieces of evidence to support your conclusion! A diagram is a representation of information using pictures and labels. Example: