Solving the Mystery for Struggling Readers Do you have a Clue? Solving the Mystery for Struggling Readers
Phonics: The study of the relationships between letters and the sounds they represent; also used to describe reading instruction that teaches sound-symbol correspondences. Guided Reading: A teaching approach designed to help individual students learn how to process a variety of increasingly challenging texts with understanding and fluency. Teachers work with a small group of students who demonstrate similar reading behaviors and read on similar instructional levels. Writing Workshop: a deliberately predictable environment with three basic time components: teaching time, writing time, and sharing time. The workshop typically starts with explicit instruction, usually in the form of a 10-minute minilesson. Summary of the areas of focus for (elem) for our district literacy framework Review vision/mission - Point out personalized supports
Phonological Awareness Identifying Student Deficits 5 Pillars of Reading Phonological Awareness Phonics Comprehension Vocabulary Fluency Any reading deficit will fall within one of these pillars of reading. However, it is important to identify the lowest area of deficit. For example, a student may struggle with comprehension, but it may be due to their ability to read fluently. If we provide a comprehension intervention, we are unlikely to see progress due to the fact that there is a different barrier to their ability to understand what they are reading.
Problem Solving Model What is the problem? Problem Identification: Content Area Problem Analysis: Deficit Plan Implementation: Intervention Program Evaluation: Progress Monitoring What is the problem? Why is the problem occurring? What are we going to do to solve the problem? Did the intervention work?
Problem Analysis: Identifying the Deficit (Why is this occurring?) Did the student score below or well below benchmark on a universal screener (e.g. STAR or DIBELS) or state assessment (GA Milestones)? NO YES No intervention necessary. Student needs additional instruction in the areas of textual analysis and/or writing. Is the student’s comprehension on grade level? YES NO No intervention necessary. Does the student need additional support around motivation and engagement (performance)? Is the student’s fluency on grade level? NO YES Is the student’s decoding on grade level? Student needs comprehension intervention. Here is a flow chart that can be used to determine a student’s area of deficit in reading. YES NO Student needs fluency intervention. Determine aspect of fluency (accuracy, phrasing, prosody). Student needs phonics intervention.
You will be able to… Based on identified areas of deficit, implement instructional strategies for each of the following areas: Phonics Reading fluency Reading comprehension Describe how the strategies can be implemented in a personalized learning environment.
As you move through the stations, reflect on which principles of personalized learning relate to each strategy. *revisit at the end
With a partner… Using your “Note Catcher”, reflect on each of the sessions you attended and discuss the following: 1) Which strategies will benefit your students the most? 2) How can you incorporate these strategies into your classroom structure (when, how, which students)? Choice Explore electronic resources Choose 1 strategy to discuss with a partner Access Resources Here One thing I will implement is… My greatest takeaway is…. My greatest takeaway is… One thing I will do differently is… Elementary Whole group shareout. Have a few volunteers share their greatest takeaway, plan for My greatest takeaway from this session is……. One thing I plan to implement is… Access Resources Here