WALTs WILF Minecraft Grand Design CL.C.02.03: To express yourself in an innovative and collaborative manner. WALTs In this lesson you will be exploring the design principles for building homes. You will evaluate Minecraft houses based on these principles. In the main part of the lesson you will build your own Minecraft house. Refine design principles through discussion. Evaluate designs using criteria. Employ design principles when building a Minecraft house. Minecraft Grand Design WILF A list of design principles relating to an ideal home. A Minecraft house that obeys your design principles. ICT, English
Lesson Competency Where are you now? Emerging Developing Proficient CL.C.02.03: To express yourself in an innovative and collaborative manner. Where are you now? Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced Expands, develops and embellished ideas by adding details and beginning to make changes with a specific purpose in mind. Expands, develops and embellished ideas by adding details and making changes with a specific audience and purpose in mind. Works collaboratively to expand, develop and embellish ideas by adding details and making changes with a specific audience and purpose in mind. Works collaboratively to expand, develop and embellish ideas by adding details and making changes with a specific audience and purpose in mind. Evaluates and develops ideas throughout the process. Insert the competency being covered and highlight key word where necessary. Level descriptors should be composed based on the competency statements found in the competency document. On the AfL forum, say where you think you are and explain why. Remember, it’s the start of the lesson, if you don’t have any prior knowledge on this topic, that’s fine. You will have soon!
Starter: What is an ideal home? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8rhGeMmEn E&safe=active http://bcove.me/8ckrvkdk What are the principles for designing an ideal home? LIST AS MANY AS YOU CAN IN 10 MINUTES A design principle is a rule based on the impact of a design. For example, the idea of complementary and contrasting colour
Categorise Form/Shape Function/Use Lighting/Colour Space/Volume e.g. layout, shape of rooms, building materials etc. e.g. place to cook, sleep, etc. e.g. windows or colour schemes. e.g. overall size or ceiling height. Now categorise your principles using your highlighter. Select the 9 most important principles (cross out others)
Diamond 9 Most important Least important Order your principles according to their importance.
Can we come up with a top five? Evaluate: Minecraft What are the most important principles for house design? Can we come up with a top five? Watch each video and evaluate the houses using our design principles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DLoPQv2Gqc&safe=active https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA52V6FDSYE&safe=active
Differentiation - What is your Minecraft level? Your teacher will give you a sticker. This will make a difference to the amount of support you will get in the immersive room. NOVICE “I can’t build with others Minecraft. I need help with craft basic tools” APPRENTICE “I can build with others in Minecraft and craft tools if someone shows me how” PRACTITIONER “I can build with others in Minecraft and craft tools by myself” EXPERT “I can build with others in Minecraft and craft tools. I can teach others how”
House Building Challenge Using what you have learnt about the principles of house design, build your ideal home. Novice Apprentice Practitioner Expert Task Request help from an Expert. Build your house taking screen clippings as you progress. Observe what Expert Crafters are doing (request help if needed). Make a start on your house. After 20 minutes go to an Expert to get ideas. Offer assistance to a Novice or Apprentice. Build your house taking screen clippings as you progress (include Plan and elevation views) *Plot 1, 2, 4, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24, 25, 29. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30. *Your teacher will assign you a plot. Remember: every member of the class must build their own house.
Don’t lose the plot.
Progress Check Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced CL.C.02.03: To express yourself in an innovative and collaborative manner. Level Descriptor Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced Expands, develops and embellished ideas by adding details and beginning to make changes with a specific purpose in mind. Expands, develops and embellished ideas by adding details and making changes with a specific audience and purpose in mind. Works collaboratively to expand, develop and embellish ideas by adding details and making changes with a specific audience and purpose in mind. Works collaboratively to expand, develop and embellish ideas by adding details and making changes with a specific audience and purpose in mind. Evaluates and develops ideas throughout the process. AfL Questions Does your house have a basic structure including the basic features e.g. doors, windows, etc. Have you included specific spaces in a logical layout? Have applied 5 or more design principles? Have you built a house using all the design principles? Did you assist another member of the class? Did you adapt you design as the session progressed? Insert the competency being covered and highlight key word where necessary. Level descriptors should be composed based on the competency statements found in the competency document. Include Bloom based AfL questions that students can attempt to show their progress. The HINT could be in the form of key words, sentence starters or point to a relevant part of the lesson. On the AfL forum, answer all the relevant AfL questions. Remember, you should be able to answer the AfL questions up to and including your progress point.
Plenary Look at a house: What criteria does the house meet? Add a selection of pictures of you building to the collaboration section in our class OneNote. Look at a house: What criteria does the house meet? What have they done well (design principles)? What should they work on next?
PowerPoint Resources 5 10 15 20 30 45 60 Digital Tools Activity/Task times Discussion WALT AfL Task Online Discussion Discuss Write Think Feedback or Share Collaborate Read Warning or Be Careful Help or support Important information Key Idea Do Don’t