Outpatient Services Homerton 2016/17 272,714 hospital outpatient attendances Main Outpatients (OPD 1,2 and 3) Sir Ludwig Guttmann (SLG) at Stratford Antenatal clinic & Women’s OPD Bryning Fertility Centre Starlight Children’s Outpatients
Community Sites Community Outpatient Sites: Hackney Ark – centre for children with disabilities St Leonards John Scott, Lower Clapton, Fountayne Road Health Centres Kenworthy Road
Main Outpatients Main Outpatient Department (OPD 1,2 & 3 ) 56 clinic rooms 600+ patients daily OPD support services–117 staff Outpatient nursing team Reception teams Healthcare Records & Clinic support Central Bookings team
The Patient's View Friends and Family Message to matron Complaints PALS Compliments Listening to patients Coffee mornings
The Patient's View August Coffee Morning – focus on privacy and dignity Spoke to 108 patients
The Patients View – feeding back
Improving services We have introduced…. A dedicated phlebotomy for Outpatients A physio clinic for patient attending the fracture clinic A daily morning tea and coffee trolley A mini library New signage on consulting room doors to ensure patients’ dignity while in consultation New queue lay out to reduce wait and fast tracking patients ( check-in & check-out)
Transformational Changes – Electronic Referrals Service NHS e-Referral Service On-Line booking Back up national telephone line Choice of available appointments Booked at your GP or at home later
Transformational Changes – arriving for your appointment Upgrading our patient administration system Fewer clicks, more time to smile… Making booking follow-up appointments quicker Implementing Kiosks Streamlining check-in Reducing queues at reception
Transformational Changes – during your appointment Image archive – contains link to all images that your clinician may need – ultrasounds, cardiology tests, scope images and more. Electronic Patient Record - clinicians will document directly into the computer system, information is always there in the future.
Transformational Changes – Writing a Clinic letter Doctors using a ‘voice recognition’ solution Specialist medical version of commonly used software Protected and secure Removes the need for letters to go in to a queue to be typed Letters turned around on the same day
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Transformation 4 schemes Outpatients and transcription Community productivity and estate Medical productivity Surgical productivity Total savings per annum by 2018/19 of £2.6m
Community productivity and estate Project aims to improve productivity and patient experience through the introduction of new technology and ways of working. Key improvements include Community staff are able to access patient records in real time through the use of mobile technology which supports better decision making and care planning. Mobile working means we require less community office space leading to rent savings. Reduced staff admin and travel time results in increased time for patient appointments.
Medical Productivity Project aims to improve bed utilisation through reducing length of stay and improving the flow of patients through the hospital. Key improvements include Patient review meetings on all wards each morning. Rescheduling of all ward rounds to take place in the morning. Introduction of ward based discharge planners and a weekend discharge team. Introduction of an ambulatory care unit for patients needing medical care but not inpatient admission.
Surgical Productivity The project aims improve productivity and flow across the whole surgical pathway so resources are used as efficiently as possible and patients have a consistent high quality experience. Current initiatives include Key improvements include: Increasing the length of the afternoon theatre sessions so all sessions are consistent in length. Reducing DNAs through improved patient booking and reminder processes. More intelligent patient booking to ensure maximum utilisation of theatre time. Improved access and streamlining of pre-op assessment. Continued development of enhanced recovery to help people recover more quickly after surgery.
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