Azure Everywhere and Assessment FY17 PIE Program Deck
Azure Everywhere and Assessment 5/14/2018 9:15 PM Azure Everywhere and Assessment Qualified Partners: Silver or Gold Cloud Platform Competency Partners License Types Sales Stage Workloads Funding Limits Customer Segments Customer Cap All > 20% Microsoft Azure $5,000 per workshop $2,000 per assessment $10K and $20K available for workshop opportunities of over $100K and $200K (see details in next slide) CAM, CTM, Public Sector, EPG, Major 1 workshop and assessment per customer © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Azure Everywhere and Assessment 5/14/2018 9:15 PM Azure Everywhere and Assessment Qualified Partners: Silver or Gold Cloud Platform Competency Partners Opportunity Additional Requirements Azure Everywhere is a set of activities (previously administered directly by Microsoft Consultancy Services - MCS) that are now available for select Partners to run. A default payment of $5000 is available to Partners that run the following to-Customer (Public Sector, CA or EPG): 1.) Azure Fast-Start - a 4 day on-site, hands-on Azure workshops aligned to 1 of 4 core scenarios (Azure Fundamentals, Dev/Test on IaaS, SQL IaaS, SHPT on IaaS) and 2.) A 4 hour session to build a consumption plan with the customer. (sample plan here) Microsoft will make available all of the content used by MCS in order to ready Partners to deliver Azure Everywhere to customers. Higher Payouts are available for Managed Partners with larger opportunities. These are $10,000 for an opportunity where there is a high degree of confidence that at least $100,000 of net new Azure will be consumed in the subsequent 12 months. A $20,000 payout is available for opportunities where subsequent 12 month net new Azure consumption is at least $200,000. Partners can claim an additional $2k as part of their Azure Everywhere claim in order to do an Azure Consumption Assessment prior to, or as part of the workshop activities. Partners may also claim for workshops leveraging their own IP that align to an Azure workload not included in the readiness and content pack provided in the next slide - however specific Microsoft readiness and content may not be available. In addition to the to-Partner payout, a $1,000 Azure Pass (valid for 1 month) is available for use during the fast start workshop provided that the customer is new to Azure. Engagement must occur (and POE submitted) within 60 days of PO being opened Proof of Execution requires: 1. Standard POE Assessment form Additional submission of written customer confirmation of on-site workshop 3. Copy of consumption plan (from workshop only). Larger claims ($10k, $20k) require an additional sign off by the Partner's Partner Sales Executive (PSE) before being approved to begin. © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
5/14/2018 9:15 PM MCS Content Title Link Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for IaaS Foundation Package Accelerate - Microsoft Azure Fast Start for Modern Application Development Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for Dev Test on IaaS Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for Identity Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for SharePoint on IaaS Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for SQL on IaaS Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for Website on IaaS Accelerate Package - Azure Fast Start for Website on PaaS © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
POE Requirements 1 2 3 4 POE must either: 5/14/2018 9:15 PM POE Requirements POE must either: Sent by email address that identifies the end customer OR Include signature of the customer contact POE must include the below details : I’m writing to confirm that <INSERT PARTNER NAME> has delivered a 4 day on-site workshop around (provide the specific workload). In addition, <INSERT PARTNER NAME> has delivered the following services (provide one of the below) List out services that the partner has provided to you OR Attach the section of the SOW that details the services (please initial next to the services delivered) Note that the entire SOW does not need to be attached OR Attach a copy of the PO that details the services (please initial next to the services delivered). I confirm that the project started on <DATE> and completed <DATE> 1 2 3 POE must include the below filled in chart: 4 POE must include a copy of the consumption plan created with the customer. (required for workshop option - not required when only assessment is conducted) Required Fields Example Date Today’s date To: Microsoft employee’s name and email Jane Smith ( From: Customer Contact Name Mr Customer Name Customer Contact Title Sales Executive Direct Phone number for customer contact name +1 200 333 4444 Direct email address for customer Contact Name Customer Company Address Details ABC Co Ltd 123 Road, Suburb, Country Required Fields Example Date Today’s date To: Microsoft employee’s name and email Jane Smith ( From: Customer Contact Name Mr Customer Name Customer Contact Title Sales Executive Direct Phone number for customer contact name +1 200 333 4444 Direct email address for customer Contact Name Customer Company Address Details ABC Co Ltd 123 Road, Suburb, Country © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.