Your Changing Personality
Fact or Fiction? One of the most important tasks of the teen years it to work out an individual identity? Human beings need the respect of other even more than they need shelter. People with high self-esteem see only the good parts of themselves and ignore the bad parts. People who imagine themselves as greater or more successful then they are need to get a grip on reality and stop dreaming. A peer group is usually a negative and destructive force that changes good kids into bad kids.
Erikson’s 8 Stages of Life Infancy (0-1) – To learn trust. Infant learns that needs will be met. Toddler stage (1-2) – To learn independence. Toddler learns self-will. Preschool age (3-5) – To learn initiative. Child explores with curiosity and imagination. School age (6-12) – To develop industriousness. Child has confidence to pursue self-chosen goals.
Erikson’s 8 Stages of Life Adolescence (13-20) – To develop an identity. Teenager develops a strong sense of self, goals, and time and becomes busy learning how to fit into the social circle-as leader, follower, male, female. Chooses role models and grows with confidence. Young Adulthood (21-40) – To develop intimacy; close, personal relationships. YA can commit to love, to work and to a social group.
Erikson’s 8 Stages of Life Adulthood (41-60) – To develop generativity (giving yourself and your talents to others). Mature adult moves through life with confidence, taking pride in accomplishments. Older Adulthood (61 and older) – To retain ego integrity (satisfaction with life). Person feels fulfilled and faces death with serenity.
Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Needs-basic needs Safety Love Esteem Self – Actualization Needs-realize full potential Esteem Love Safety Physiological Needs-basic needs It is like a ladder. People will struggle to meet their basic needs before they can begin to think about “higher” needs.
Human Needs According to Maslow Accept themselves and others, and accept imperfections. Are self-motivated, rather then externally motivated. Are problem solvers, rather than complainers. Have a strong set of values by which they live, and are sensitive to ethical issues. Believe in the power of people, holding that most are basically good. Are at peace with themselves and their world.
Car Accident Story Father and son are in a serious car accident Son is flown Flight for Life to closest hospital Surgeons come in to work on son Surgeon says they can’t work because he is their son How can this be?
Gender and Personality Physical Maturation – Adolescence and Puberty Growth spurt Boys/Girls different Hormonal changes Muscle and Fat Coordination
Gender Identity Gender – you are male or female and this helps mold your behaviors and your self-image. Gender Roles – Male/female roles that they play. Gender Identity – Parts of the male or female role that a person accepts and lives by.
Stereotypes Welder Truck Driver Elementary Teacher Nurse Lawyer Construction Worker TV News Reporter Engineer U.S. Senetor Mayor Principal of HS Collegiate VB Player Judge Chef Plumber Ballet Dancer
Developing Self-Esteem Define self-esteem High self-esteem = positive mental health Poor self-esteem = lots of health related problems Positive self-talk – statements you think are true now or plan to be true in the future Positive body image – linked to self-esteem What affects body image? Self-Acceptance – appreciate your own uniqueness. Celebrate your strengths and don’t dwell on your weaknesses. Once you develop self-esteem, achievements and accomplishments will follow.
The Importance of Peer Groups A group of friends similar to yourself in age and stage of life. Positive influence on development Help bridge from dependence in childhood to independence in adulthood Peer Groups Cliques Gangs Cults
Formation and Value of Peer Groups How do you form peer groups? Birds of a feather flock together. What is the value of peer groups? Who influences your peer groups? Peer Pressure – have you ever experienced it? Examples
GANGS Deviant Peer Groups Teens need someone/something to belong to. If negative pressure is applied it can have negative influences on a teen’s choices. Gangs Cults GANGS