The Titanic Year 4 Curriculum Map Term 5 22nd April – 23rd May


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Presentation transcript:

The Titanic Year 4 Curriculum Map Term 5 22nd April – 23rd May Maths - Compare and order numbers beyond 1000 - Round any number to the nearest 100, and 1000 - Add and subtract numbers mentally, including 3-digit numbers - Add and subtract numbers up to 4-digits using column methods where appropriate - Recall multiplication and division facts up to 12 x12 - Multiply/divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a one digit number using a formal written method - Find fractions of amounts - Use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths, and partition decimals - Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals - Read the time to the nearest minute on an analogue and 12 hour digital clock Literacy - We will read the story of the Titanic and explore other stories that raise issues and dilemmas. We will write from differing viewpoints of those affected by the disaster. Recount the final hours aboard the vessel and focusing on characterisation . We will prepare arguments for a debate about who was to blame for the sinking of the ship. Throughout the term we will read ‘Kasper: Prince of Cats’ by Michael Morpurgo. We will re-write scenes from this and continue the dilemma-raising story, using words and techniques of the author as inspiration. The Titanic Year 4 Curriculum Map Term 5 22nd April – 23rd May Science We will learning about the Earth and its position in space. What keeps the planets in orbit? Why does the Sun appear to move across the sky? Why does the moon change each month? What makes the seasons happen? History/Geography We will investigate the following questions: - Who was aboard the Titanic and how were they different? - What is the evidence to inform out knowledge about the sinking? - What was happening in Britain at the time of the sinking? - How does Downton compare to Southampton, the port where the Titanic set off for New York? RE We will learn to understand how the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus teaches Christians about forgiveness. ICT – modelling and control - The children will analyse decisions in computer game-play and study the various consequences. We will then design a Titanic game based on our learning. - Using control software (e.g. Logo) to navigate using degrees, in the way the Titanic would have done. PE - We will be continuing our work on running technique, and also practising our throwing and jumping skills. - We will also explore the effect s that exercise has on our body by measuring our heart-rate and breathing. Art We will be learning new watercolour, crayon and ink techniques to create an underwater scene. Then designing a Titanic poster using ink and watercolours. PSHE We will learn about expressing our feelings , identifying stress and anxiety, the risks of smoking, making informed choices, and when risk is a good or bad thing.