Lesson Six Vocabulary Grade 10
Credence Noun Surprisingly, Shayna’s teacher gave credence to her story about how she lost her homework.
Collate Verb Before he began his delivery route, the mailman collated his deliveries to match the order of the streets he would visit.
Connoisseur Noun The chef watched nervously as the connoisseur tasted the soup.
Enigma Noun Mona Lisa’s smile is an enigma because no one knows the thoughts behind her inscrutable expression.
Genteel Adjective A genteel host would never ask guests to prepare and serve their own dinner.
Officious Adjective I wish my officious sister would stop telling me how to run my life.
Fetid Adjective The gym teacher told students to remove the fetid heaps of dirty clothes from their lockers and take the mess home.
Jaunty Adjective My three-year-old always walks in a jaunty manner when I put him in that sailor suit.
Condone Verb After hearing about the man’s starving family, most found it easy to condone his theft of the food.
Torpor Noun The torpor of the audience was evidence of the comedian’s lack of talent.
Enthrall Verb The television enthralled the villagers, who had never before seen such technology.
Dilettante Noun The dilettante felt that his superficial knowledge of art qualified him to judge the artist’s work.
Venal Adjective During the war, the queen worried about having venal subjects who would betray her for a high-enough reward.
Nuance Noun The sharpest listeners detected a nuance in the speaker’s tone that revealed her opinion.
Cult Noun To join the cult, recruits had to shave their heads and walk over burning coals.