Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants Emerging HTAP Data Network Giovanni, NASA, US NEISGEI, Northr., US VIEWS, CIRA, US DAtaFed, WashU, US RSIG, EPA, US FZ Juelich, Germany DLR, Germany NILU, Norvay Elevate leveraging to a new level, where most of the resources and activities are leverages and only the adjustments are special.
Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants HTAP Data Network GEOSS is a good (system of systems) model for HTAP Stakeholders are autonomous organizations, scientists Participation is largely voluntary Information integration is key to success HTAP is a suitable use case for the emerging GEOSS HTAP Model Data Server Project: Server Software co-developed by FZ Juelich - WashU DataFed Contributed to GEOSS, etc…through open SourceForge
FZ Juelich server offers 1000+ HTAP model ‘datasets’ WCS–netCDF–CF Standard Protocol FZ Juelich & WashU Co-developed WCS Server software YOUR client, e.g Giovanni, software can also access any HTAP model ‘datasets’, perform your types of analyses The data the tools and the methods are shared to the Community through the AQ CoP So, participants of this project automatically become members of AQ CoP
Federated Data System WashU DataFed Update New major datasets Global Surface Visibility, 1945- (~10,000 stations) US ASOS 1 min Visibility (~800 Stations) Global OMI Set 2004- (30 Variables, 30km res) Global MODIS AOT, 2001- (daily 10 km) THROUGH RSIG! All exposed through WCS, GEOSS Catalog, uFIND) Data System Projects HTAP Network Exceptional Events Data System Projects contributed WCS software, uFIND to GEOSS