Characteristics of Faculty What Behavioral Science Faculty Need: STFM Behavioral Science List-serve Survey Michael Floyd, East Tennessee State University, Mary R. Talen, Bethesda Family medicine Residency Program Cincinnati, OH, Timothy Spruill, Florida Family Medicine Residency Program Orlando, FL, Heidi Pomm, St. Vincent’s Family Medicine Residency Program Objectives: This study describes the STFM Behavioral Science Faculty who utilized the STFM Behavioral Science Group list serve and surveys opinions regarding its effectiveness in teaching, research, and professional development. Importance of list serve Usefulness of list serve Faculty Responsibilities and Years Teaching Method: A 24 item survey was administered to members of the STFM Behavioral Science Group list-serve. The survey addressed two areas: 1) characteristics of the faculty (specialty, teaching, tasks), and 2) the importance and effectiveness of the list-serve for teaching resources, faculty development and research activities. Results: Of the 93 respondents, 57% were women; 87% STFM members; and 53% psychologists. The majority (94%) was from family medicine programs. Respondents rated educational resources as the most important and effective resources. Research was rated the least important except among behavioral science faculty members who were new to STFM. Limitations: This survey employed a convenience sample of Behavioral Science List Serve members only. Conclusions: These results provide understanding of behavioral science faculty characteristics, including the responsibilities and duties of this group. STFM BS Group members comprised 87% of the survey respondents and 81% of list serve members (256/315). This study suggests that faculty who are newer to the field are more interested in research opportunities. This survey supports recommendations for residency programs in the behavioral science area. Characteristics of Faculty