Extra pretzels to have on on for extra snack when someone forgets Tocko’s Tidbits Sept. 25th-29th Upcoming Items: Sept. 25th: Read a Thon Kick Off Sept. 27th: Early Release Sept. 29th: Fall Picture Day Oct. 13th: Focused on Friends Oct. 17th: Read a Thon Day Oct 27th: Focused on Friends Oct. 31st: Fall Party Day Nov. 1st: Picture Retake Day Nov. 3rd: PTO Family Bingo Night Math: We have started Unit 3 in math and are working on place value to the millions, expanded form, comparing numbers, and rounding. Science: We have worked really hard on the engineering design process and had some fun experiments with paper airplanes, index cards, saving a gummy worm from drowning, and saving an egg from cracking when dropped! Writing: We have been working on writing sentences with a subject, predicate, and a when, why and how. We have also learned what dot and say and green light red light mean when working on editing. Reading: We have learned about read to self, work on writing, read to someone and just got onto Epic to do listen to reading! Our last Daily 5 center to learn about is word work where your child will practice weekly words! Specials: Mon: Day 5 Media Read a thon kick off Tues: Day 6 Phy Ed Wed: Day 7 Art EARLY RELEASE at 1:45pm Thurs: Day 8 Phy Ed Fri: Day 9 Music FALL PICTURE DAY! Phonics This week we will work on the spelling pattern, ai, aCe, ay, Open a, Short a Rain, gain Persuade, skateboard Sayings, delay Later, basis Shadow, basket Contact Information: Email: ktocko@shakopee.k12.mn.us Classroom Needs Extra pretzels to have on on for extra snack when someone forgets