Growth Mindset - EQUITY
To identify, recruit, develop and retain highly effective talent. This IS THE Work Learning and Teaching Achievement Balanced Assessment Human Capital Community Engagement To provide teachers and students with the opportunity to participate in a relevant, rigorous, innovative and comprehensive learning environment. To increase proficiency and growth rates across all groups and eliminate predictability of achievement. To develop and implement a balanced assessment system that accurately reflects students’ knowledge of core curriculum standards as well as the ability to collaborate, be creative, communicate and think critically. To identify, recruit, develop and retain highly effective talent. To foster shared responsibility for student success by building trust, collaboration, and engagement among staff, families and community partners. We are an organization focused on these five areas - this is THE work. So much so that Learning and Teaching, Achievement and Balanced Assessment are all one committee now as we can not address one of these areas without the other. These areas cover us and define what we do every day to make a difference for every child. Where are we in our SP process? We are defining our strategies through the core work of learning and teaching. Designing resources to build knowledge, skill, and support. Building collaborations with teachers, students, parents, business owners, define what we want our learners to look like when they leave us, what teachers should look like to create this learners, what leaders will look like to create environments that allow for the learning and teaching that we know should occur We are fortunate in Wake. We ALREADY HAVE the resources needed to do this work.
Professional Learning to Advance the Vision 2020 Instructional Blueprint These are the overarching learning focuses for the next three years as identified by the Strategic Plan. You can see the continuity that runs through the years, as well as the tight alignment of focus to the Vision 2020 Instructional Blueprint expectations.
Learning Outcomes: An understanding of what a culturally inclusive and responsive environment looks and feels like. An understanding of the fact that cultural proficiency is not a fixed skill, but an ongoing process. An understanding of how our values, assumptions, and behaviors may unintentionally marginalize students and impact instruction.
Grounding Activity Turn to your neighbor and choose one of the two options to discuss: Talk about how you promote failure in your school/classroom. Talk about a personal failure in your life and how you responded to it.
Quiz Time 1. Apparel class ratio (boys : girls) A. 85:76 2. Physics class ratio (boys : girls) B. 66:34 3. Graduation rate (girls : boys) C. 68:86 4. Graduation rate (minority : white) D. 12:88 5. Suspension rate (minority : white) E. 83:17 Were you accurate? If so, what does your accuracy say about your mindset? Use your own data points as a spring board for your own conversations.
Working Definition of Culture: “We define culture as everything you believe and everything you do that enables you to identify with people who are like you and that distinguishes you from people who differ from you. Culture is “groupness”. A culture is a group of people identified by their shared history, values, and patterns of behavior”. (Culturally Proficiency, A Manual for School Leaders , p. 24-25)
Working Definition of Culturally Proficient: It is a process not an event, and therefore elusive as something to achieve. “A culturally proficient educator has a palpable sense of his or her own culture and has the self-awareness to discern what about himself or herself may be offensive to others or what may be perceived as a barrier to others – especially if he or she is a member of an alpha or agent culture.” (Culturally Proficient Instruction, p. 121)
Myth #1 – The “All or None” Myth
“Like a Girl” How does a societal label prevent a growth mindset? How did this video make you feel? What are some other sayings or beliefs that do the same damage as ‘like a girl?’ Think about sayings or beliefs in education as well.
Myth #1 – The “All or None” Myth Summarize what Myth #1 is saying… How does this apply to “Like a Girl”?
Myth #2 – The “Mistakes and Moral Worth” Myth How do “white privilege” and/or cultural norms lead to unintentional bias in our classrooms? Describe a comparable situation where this can occur in a classroom instead of a supermarket.
Cracking the Codes
Cracking the Codes - Questions How do “white privilege” and/or cultural norms lead to unintentional bias in our classrooms? Describe a comparable situation where this can occur in a classroom instead of a supermarket. How does tone and conversation or lack thereof indicate feelings towards a person? How can teachers advocate for students who encounter a lack of cultural proficiency?
“…he used his position of influence to help integrate Chapel Hill.” “You should never be proud of doing what’s right. You should just do what’s right.”
Myth #2 – The “Mistakes and Moral Worth” Myth Think back to the video, relate the cashier to Myth #2 and discuss.
Myth #3 – The “Tonsils of Bias” Myth “Our schools can have great intentions, powerful mission statements, moving programs, people from diverse backgrounds, and time and resources devoted to big name speakers. Without regular practice, however, these elements become mere artifacts to protect our competence status.” (Lee, Rosetta, 2015) What is this saying?
Working Definition of Culturally Responsive Instruction: “Learning about oneself in a cultural context and creating a learning environment in which educators and students explore the cultural context for who they are and how they respond and relate to one another.” (Culturally Proficient Instruction, p. 16)
Students’ Six Strategies
Students’ Six Strategies Visibility Proximity Connecting to Students’ Lives Discuss at your tables, the value of each of these strategies and how to propel their usage throughout your own schools.
Good Instruction IS Good Equity
Coming full circle… Stand at tables, turn to shoulder partner and discuss the following question: How do we apply the art of struggle and spirit of failure to equity?