Clinical Dermatology Basics M. Rebecca Hoffman, MD, MSPH FCM Clerkship Orientation
Overview Definitions Examples Unknowns (FUN!!)
Macules What is a macule?
Macule Technically, usually considered a macule if less than 0.5 cm and a patch if larger, but commonly any flat lesion can be described as macular.
Patches What is a patch?
Papules What is a papule?
Plaques What is a plaque?
Nodules What is a nodule?
Vesicles What is a vesicle?
Bullae What is a bulla?
Pustules What is a pustule?
Review Raised, solid, superficial, less than 5mm= papule
Review Flat lesion, various colors= macule (patch also used to describe larger ones)
Review 1.2 cm diameter, solid erythematous lesion with smooth borders. Nodule. Hemangioma
Review Pustules. Folliculitis.
What am I? Wart– papule with cylindrical projections
What am I? Wart with mosaic pattern on surface. Papule
What am I? Papular on macular base-- melanoma
Three examples of the same thing…. First one– barely raised. Therefore brown papule with irregular borders 2nd one, clearly demarcated borders, raised, with warty appearance– papule Third one, more raised. Still a papule (or plaque if big enough). All are SKs
What am I? Papules with umbilication some grouped together. Molluscum contagiosum.
What am I? Cherry angioma. Papule, erythematous.
What am I? Pyogenic granuloma. Papule with stalk, some scale present
What am I? Pustules. Herpes simplex
What am I? We didn’t discuss how to describe this. Any guesses? Fissures. First is due to extreme dryness, second to intertrigo, and third is called perleche.
What am I? Description– papules and plaques with crust present. Impetigo.
What am I? Pustules on face. Acne vulgaris.
What am I? Chicken pox– pustules in various stages of healing.
What am I? Eczema. Plaques on arm with some crusting and scaling. Not on extensor surfaces. This is why derm is often difficult. May remind you of psoriasis.
What am I? Vesicles on erythematous base. Zoster!
What am I?
Clear fluid filled 3-5mm lesions scattered on arm, some in linear pattern= linear vesicles= contact derm.
So, to sum up Handout Ask questions of your mentors and your preceptors– the more you see, the better you get. Good luck, and have fun!