Holmes Chapel Primary School – 10/1/14 Reading at Key Stage 1 We are all life-long learners. Even as adults we still use the skills in reading that we learnt as children. Holmes Chapel Primary School – 10/1/14
Aims ... To understand the skills children need to become good readers To explain how we teach these skills in school To give ideas about how you can help to support reading development at home
1.) Decoding print Children learn to read in many different ways using many different strategies Picture cues Phonics – sounding out Meaning – predicting words through context Grammar – predicting words using sentence structure
2.) Comprehending Layers of understanding - DIAL D = Deductive How do you know Scaredy squirrel is scared? I = Inferential Why do you think the squirrel is scared of sharks? A = Authorial Why do you think the author has called the bees ‘killer bees’? L= Literal How many germs are there?
How do we teach reading? to Read? Daily English lessons Individual and group reading Daily Phonics sessions
Reading in school Book bands Woodland basket books
How can you help at home? Let your child handle the book! Use letter sounds, not names Scaffold your child’s reading attempts – praise your child when he/she reads a word or sentence correctly, and when your child self-corrects. Wait to give your child chance to solve a problem word, then prompt with cues Talk about texts to make sure children understand what they are reading
Key Messages Regular practise Be positive! Encourage reading for enjoyment
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” Walt Disney