Building a Game with Unity3D
changes to example script var myrigidbody:Rigidbody; // declare a variable of proper type myrigidbody=GetComponent(Rigidbody); // note javascript uses () instead of < > myrigidbody.AddRelativeTorque …
+make a game with unity +brackeys Unity Basics make a game - 1 make a game - 2 Make a game- 3 make a game - 3b - camera Make a game - 5 - shadows + respawn make a game - 5a - jumping make a game - 6 - quality settings make a game - 7 – collectibles make a game - 8 - animation many more videos: use the search in the title above
moving a sphere function Start () { // saved for posterity queriesHitTriggers=true; blue_rotation = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationSpeed * -1 ; blue_rotation*=Time.deltaTime; rgdblue= GetComponent (Rigidbody); rgdblue.velocity = new Vector3 (.1*rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0) ; rgdblue.velocity=rgdblue.velocity*-1; rgdblue.AddRelativeTorque (Vector3.forward * blue_rotation); //vector3 is 3D mgmt } function Update() { blue_rotation = Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotationSpeed ) *-1; blue_rotation*=Time.deltaTime; rgdblue=GetComponent(Rigidbody); rgdblue.AddRelativeTorque (Vector3.forward * blue_rotation); //vector3 is 3D mgmt }
Tips A rotation completely describes an object's absolute orientation (or a change in orientation). A direction specifies which way an object is pointing or facing, NOT it's movement direction (a rotating car on ice can be moving in direction x, but facing direction y.) Rotations and Directions are (not easily) convertible into each other. But they have different characteristics when it comes to combining and comparing them. You can add two Rotations and get a new rotation: 90 degrees + 90 degrees = 180 degrees. But if you add two direction vectors you get a new vector that doesn't express a rotation any more. It is possible to 'convert' a direction to a rotation, but since the mapping is not one-to-one, you have to introduce additional constraints in order to arrive at a unique result. (This is basically what functions like the quaternion LookRotation() function do.) Rotations are Quaternions If you want to rotate around the world's "up" direction, regardless of the object's local coordinate system, you can try adding Space.World as the last argument to Rotate