Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Prazuch Ms. Thomas
Specials Schedule Monday – Art Tuesday – Computers Wednesday – Gym Thursday – Music Friday – Gym and Library
Classroom Expectations At St. James School we follow Christ by being caring, helpful, respectful, self-disciplined and trustworthy. Clip Chart Thomas and Zoo Bucks
Grading A+ 99%, A 95%, A- 93% B+ 91%, B 87%, B- 85 C+ 83, C 79%, C- 77% D+ 75%, D 71%, D- 69% U = 68% and below Your child’s grades will be posted on PowerSchool on a regular basis and a report card will be sent home at the end of each trimester.
Homework Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Every morning your child is responsible for writing down his or her homework in their assignment notebook. 35 – 40 minutes of homework plus 20 – 30 minutes of independent reading Homework will consist of: Independent Reading Spelling Practice Assigned Homework in Math, Science, Religion, English, and Social Studies
Late Assignment Policy Students are given one free pass on late homework assignment each trimester After the free pass students will have one point taken off of their assignment No name on homework … After the one free pass - If student does not turn in assignment on the morning due a Homework Notice will go home informing parents The assignment, along with a copy of the signed Homework Notice, must be turned in as soon as student arrives the next morning If the assignment and signed Homework Notice are not turned in at student’s arrival time the next morning, student will stay in for recess to complete the assignment
How to Stay Updated Websites Newsletters Homework assignments will be posted daily We will also include important deadlines (Scholastic order due dates, book reports, etc.) Newsletters Emailed out every Friday Posted on our websites under links every Friday
How to Get in Touch Mrs. Prazuch - cprazuch@stjamesschoolah.org Ms. Thomas - nthomas@stjamesschoolah.org PLEASE NOTE: Many days we are unable to answer emails during the school day. We have lunch duty, homework duty, and after school duty so we may not always be able to respond during the school day. We will do our best but, as a rule, we will answer emails before 8:20 and after 3:45. If it is an emergency, please contact the office.
Friday Folders What to expect in your Child’s Friday Folder Tests Homework Assignments Completed in class work Important information from St. James
Additional Information Revised Snack List WE ARE PEANUT AND TREE NUT FREE – In 4th Grade! Refer to SJS Approved Snack List No more frozen Birthday or classroom party treats Field Trips Scholastic Book Orders Once every two months
Religion Second Step A chance to participate in Mass God, Our Creator and Father Jesus, Our Lord and Savior The Church, Our Community in the Spirit Sacraments Our Way of Life Morality, Our Lived Faith Prayer Journals
Reading Reader’s Workshop 2 – 3 Book Reports a trimester Reading Log Develop fluency, comprehension and vocabulary Learn how to reflect, analyze and discuss across all genres of literature 2 – 3 Book Reports a trimester Students will be given a month to complete these projects at home Reading Log 20 minutes EVERY day and 30 minutes on weekends! (Daily will increase to 30 minutes by the end of the year.) Reading Response Menus/Response forms
Spelling Connections by Zaner-Bloser Spelling Connections – teachers teach spelling using ready-made, research-based, differentiated instruction Word study/word sorting is incorporated so that key words and patterns are committed to memory Homework on Monday night (writing all words and 5 sentences) and Wednesday night (Extra Practice page) Posttest on Friday – followed by pretest for following week. Weekly words sent home on Monday. Every sixth unit is a review unit which provides opportunity to measure students’ understanding of targeted patterns and rules.
English and Writing Grammar Skills and Sentence Structure Handwriting Zaner-Bloser Cursive Writing Persuasive, Informative/Expository, and Narrative
Science Beginning with Unit on the Scientific Method What is Science? What Do Scientists Do? Mystery Science and Science A-Z Birth of Rocks/Changes in Earth’s Process Energy / Energizing Everything Waves of Sound Human Machine (includes Animals)
Math Number and Operations in Base Ten Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations – Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Simple Solutions XtraMath IXL Homework: Will be graded for completion Students will lose points if homework is late Check My Progress pages will be graded Homework grades are posted at the end of each chapter
Social Studies The Land of the United States Geography Map Skills The Regions of the United States East South Midwest West Connections to Our World