智慧電子應用設計導論(1/3) Introduction Chin-Shiuh Shieh (謝欽旭) http://bit.kuas.edu.tw/~csshieh Department of Electronic Engineering National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan Autumn, 2015 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Objective The study of Arduino - an open-source electronics prototyping platform. Implementation of your innovative ideas. Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan References and Stores References Arduino, http://www.arduino.cc 孫駿榮、吳明展、盧聰勇,Arduino一試就上手,第二版,碁峰資訊股份有限公司,ISBN: 978-986-276-606-4 Search YouTube with Arduino Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
References and Stores (cont) 普特企業有限公司, http://www.playrobot.com 德源科技, http://twarm.com/commerce/index.php 露天賣家 凱斯電子 (高雄市左營區文學路678號), http://class.ruten.com.tw/user/index00.php?s=buyic&d=3066391&o=0&m=1 DigiKey Electronics, http://www.digikey.tw/?&WT.srch=1&mkwid=ssTGUU2Ym&pcrid=74182870751&pkw=digikey&pmt=e&pdv=c Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Outline Introduction Arduino Arduino MEGA 256 Arduino Development Environment Digital Input/Output Analog Input Arduino Programming Language Sensors Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Grading Assignments Term Project Participation Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Prerequisites Experience on micro-controller Basic knowledge on digital logic Intention and attendance Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Teaching Assistants Teaching Assistants 陳皇任: he8853766@outlook.com 范家禎: alain55555666666@gmail.com 姜丞俞: wight130520@gmail.com Facebook 104學年度智慧電子應用設計導論, https://www.facebook.com/groups/389417447934912/ Autumn, 2014 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Tutorial Cooper Maa http://coopermaa2nd.blogspot.tw/2011/05/arduino.html 葉難 http://yehnan.blogspot.tw/2012/02/arduino_21.html Ming's Blogger http://ming-shian.blogspot.tw/p/arduino.html Arduino e Cia http://www.arduinoecia.com.br/ Here-Arduino應用教學 http://here-apps.blogspot.tw/2014/07/lab1-arduino.html Autumn, 2013 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan
C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan Tools 123D Circuits: https://123d.circuits.io/ Fritzing: http://fritzing.org/home/ Autumn, 2013 C.-S. Shieh, EC, KUAS, Taiwan