Individual Service Funds
What are Individual Service Funds? A way of taking a Personal Budget Operates in a similar way to a Direct Payment A provider organisation holds and manages the Personal Budget on behalf of the Service User The Service User and the Provider co-produce the Support Plan Aspects of the Support Plan can be subcontracted to third-party organisations The Support Plan can be flexible without the need to involve the Care Manager.
Why would a Customer want an ISF? Choice of who supports them Choice of how their outcomes will be met and how their support will be delivered Support plans can be flexible Less financial responsibility than a Direct Payment
Why would a Provider want to work this way? Enables truly person-centered support Can deliver real improvements to people’s lives Provider and Customers work in partnership to develop the support plan – the Provider plays an active role in deciding how to meet individual outcomes. Support plans can be adjusted without Professional approval, and can be flexible Provider can market their services directly to individuals, rather than tendering for DCC purchased services Payment is made in advance, via automated payments.
Why would an LA want to offer ISFs? Important tool to enable user-led commissioning Uptake of Direct Payments has remained relatively low – 20.9% in Dorset and 28.1% nationally (2015-16). ISFs can extend choice and control to a significant proportion of people eligible for funded services. Some early examples of use of ISFs have led to some significant reductions in cost as individuals and providers can be more innovative and flexible Administrative burden can be reduced, in particular around Support Planning and paying invoices Care Act 2014 requires that Local Authorities explore options for delivering ISFs
The Dorset Approach We have established a register of contracted ISF Providers, published on our website We will add information about other contracts and accreditations held by that Provider (such as membership and banding level of LD/MH DPS, Support with Confidence Scheme, CQC Registration) to help individuals make informed choices Providers who want to join the register can complete a light-touch accreditation process and sign up to the Terms and Conditions
Who can be an ISF Provider? Dorset’s Dynamic Purchasing System Contract for commissioned packages of care and support includes terms and conditions for delivering ISFs – all providers on the DPS can choose to offer ISFs Providers who have not joined the DPS can ask to join the ISF Register – their applications will be reviewed by a Quality Assurance Panel made up of Professionals and Experts by Experience All providers with an ISF contract will be logged on a central ISF Register, which can be shared with Service Users.
Key Terms & Conditions of the ISF Provider works with the Service User in a flexible way to provide support to meet their unmet needs and outcomes The service promotes maximum choice and control for the Individual The service keeps the Service User safe The Provider listens to the Service User, and if they are unhappy with the support will work with them to make improvements
Key Terms & Conditions of the ISF - 2 The Provider keeps audit history of what has been delivered, support that has been banked, and how the ISF has been spent. This is regularly explained to the Service User and is available for scrutiny by DCC The Provider collects the Service User contribution directly The Provider works with the Service User and their Circle of Support to redesign the services to respond to changes in need, and will notify the care manager in the case of significant alteration The Provider will submit an annual support of income and expenditure
Key Terms & Conditions of the ISF - 3 The Provider will give the Service User the clear choice to commission some Care and Support from third-party organisations The Provider is clear and up-front about any administration charge they intend to apply The contract may be terminated with 4 weeks notice, or with immediate effect if in the opinion of DCC the service puts the life, health or wellbeing of the Service User at risk
Position in Dorset – May 2017 ISFs went live in September 2016 10 Providers are currently accredited and we have 4 ISFs in place across two Provider organisations Quality Assurance Panel considers all ISF applications – panel is made up of Commissioners, Operational Staff, Parent-Carers, and Experts by Experience. Our attention has been focused on building up the provider marketplace and to date we have not ‘publicly launched’ ISFs – this is part of our plans for 2017
Contact Adam Fitzgerald Service Development Officer 01305 224253