Situation ethics 3 To understand examples from Jesus’ life for SE To evaluate situation ethics Did you see any examples of different approaches to morality? What would situation ethics say is the most loving thing to do? Should agape take precedent over law and regulations? If so what could the drawbacks be?
Examples from the Bible of situationist thinking Research the following examples from the Bible, The adulterous woman, Jesus and the Sabbath, Jesus on the divorce law Make a note of the key facts for each Focus on the context of what was happening and why do you think Jesus did/said what he did? Do you think these are examples of situationist thinking? How can these be used to support situation ethics?
Research Strengths of situation ethics Weaknesses of situation ethics including the Catholic Church and William Barclay Can it be compatible with law? If society was to use SE would we have a fair and just society?
Evaluate the effectiveness of Situation ethics as a theory for moral decision making 30 Marks