HOW TO COACH YOUR TEAM Coaching for effective leadership Welcome! You may be asking yourself “Why am I here tonight”? Somebody who cares about you invited you here tonight. Maybe you are hoping to find some answers that will improve your life as well as the lives of others around you? Sit back and relax and be prepared to learn more about the concepts of overall wellness and nutrition. You just might want to become a Wellness Champion, for yourself and for others.
Coaching for effective Leadership Coachability is the art of building long-lasting relationships that will endure business ups and downs. What does it mean to be “coachable”? Ask to be coached Be open to feedback As the coach — provide knowledge, education, motivation and inspiration As the coach — protect your downline from negative/toxic environments Take action! How about “Un-coachable”? Throw up invisible barriers when you hear something you don’t like Get defensive — have the need to be right Interpret suggestions as criticism, taking everything personally Dismiss the ideas and assistance of others Do nothing To produce breakthroughs, we need to be coachable. How coachable are you?
How Coaching Relates to MAP It helps you get connected. You’re in business for yourself, not by yourself. Get connected. Stay connected. For the Upline/Coach, it provides the opportunity to build long-lasting relationships and to fulfill your principle responsibility to provide and protect. For the Team, it is a support system and community of like-minded people, and it provides an accountability system. It helps you manage the Upline/Downline relationship needed to maximize Efficiency, Longevity and Productivity in your Mannatech business.
Coaching for effective Leadership Maximizing efficiency means managing your Mannatech time effectively. Use the 80/20 Rule — focus on the 20 percent that matters. That 20 percent produces 80 percent of your results. Plant your seeds in good soil because the quality of the harvest is more about the soil than the seed. You Plant You Wait You Harvest
Coaching for effective Leadership Maximizing longevity means a long-lasting relationship will endure the up and down cycles of the business. Maximizing productivity means being driven by results. Sometimes harsh, but it’s always fair. What you put into your business is what you will get out of it. What are you getting out of yours?
Coaching and Mentoring Dynamics Coaching and mentorship help you get and stay connected. It helps you counsel and grow your downline. It’s a time to “get real” with yourself, so be open, frank and honest with yourself and your coach. It is difficult to coach if you’ve not been coached. Coach/ Mentor Upline Downline
Coaching and Mentoring Dynamics Remember, there is a time to be a coach and a time to be a friend; use this time responsibly. friend
Coaching for Effective Leadership What Are Your Goals? Several teams have been coached on a weekly basis over the past few months. Through the coaching process we recognized a need to develop a systemized and duplicatable approach to the coaching process (to coach coaches). The process includes: Listing your WHY Defining your short- and long-term goals Identifying barriers to your success Understanding where you are with your business today Mapping your organizational structure Developing a 90-day action plan
Define your WHY What Is Your WHY? It took 300 If you watched the movie 300, based loosely on real events in Greece, you may recall that 300 Spartans fought against a million soldiers in the Persian invasion. They were able to do this not only because of the skill of their fighting prowess but because they had a strong WHY. In the actual history of this event, if the Persians had not been halted briefly at Thermopylae they would have surely conquered all of Greece. These 300 or so soldiers could not fail, their WHY was that big. Your WHY is the purpose behind your actions. Your WHY is your primary motivation. Your WHY will help you succeed. Your WHY keeps you focused. Your WHY is what keeps you going — in good times and in bad. What Is Your WHY?
Understanding Where You Are With Your Business Today One of the keys to success is knowing where you’ve been and where you want to go. Take a look back at what your activity level was two Business Periods ago. What type of volume did you have? How many new enrollees did you bring on? Did you activate a new Associate and get them on Automatic Order? How about re-activating a former Associate? Where are you today? This BP? Where do you want to be next BP and the one after? Consider this: What you do today will impact you 30 – 60 – 90 days down the road. If the work you do today is like a seed, then what type of harvest do you want two BPs from now?
Mapping Your Structure Evaluate each Leg and determine who the most active Associate is in the deepest part of each Leg. Also known as a tap root. When determining who is most active, consider their activity level first, then their volume. “Most Active” Associates can be one or more of the following: New Associate — All-Star or Preferred in the last BP Enrolled a new Associate in the last BP Has enrolled many new Associates in the last 90 days (hub in the making) Attended a major function within the last 30 days Seeks Upline guidance and direction Overcame major odds to build their business (e.g., driving 10 hours to attend meetings or events)
90 Day Plan To be successful in Network Marketing, you must work on yourself as well as your business. In other words, success is something you attract, by the person you become. Developing a 90-Day Action Plan is one of the best ways to focus on what you want to accomplish. To create your plan, think about what you want to accomplish in the next 90 days. What are your goals? What will be the outcome? What new skills will you learn? What existing skills will you improve?
90 Day Action Plan Step 1: Set your Group Volume Goals for the next three BPs. Working with your Upline, evaluate each Leg and determine specific goals. Do this for each Leg, calculating the total for each BP. Be sure to include your Group Volume Goals in the goal-setting section of this worksheet. Step 2: Raising the BAR In this section, you are making a commitment to yourself and your business. What are you going to do to help meet your goals? What activities will you perform and new habits will you create? Edification: the relationship you have with your upline will enable them to better serve you. When you edify someone when you speak well of them. When they in turn speak well of you, then the level of believability and trust increases with your downline.
Get connected, get motivated and learn how you can Next Steps Get connected, get motivated and learn how you can Live for Real! Edification: the relationship you have with your upline will enable them to better serve you. When you edify someone when you speak well of them. When they in turn speak well of you, then the level of believability and trust increases with your downline.