EUDAT’s engagement with the Earth Sciences Daan Broeder Giuseppe Fiamini Damien Lecarpentier EUDAT is an initiative of European big generic data and computing centers together with community organizations to come to a infrastructure for efficiently supporting research communities with generic data management services. This initiative is supported by EC funded projects, the latest one EUDAT2020
EUDAT2020 - 35 Partners EUDAT2020 is a project of some 20ME with 35 consortium partners
Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) A collaboration between Service Providers and Research Communities EUDAT generic data service provider storage, workflows, processing, archive A Partnership Agreement specifying the mutual obligations between the EUDAT centres Community Repositories (thematic data centres) A collaboration between Service Providers and Research Communities A Partnership Agreement specifying the mutual obligations between the EUDAT centres a portfolio of data management services A data and service model that ensures the CDI’s interoperability, extensibility and stability Looking to the future we have the CDI partnership agreement and a secretariat as a basis for future coordination. a portfolio of data management services A data and service model that ensures the CDI’s interoperability, extensibility and stability
B2 Service Suite B2ACCESS B2HANDLE Integration / Usability /
EUDAT services are based on user community requirements EUDAT engages with a large variety of communities in different ways, ranging from interviewing for requirements to service provisioning
Engagement with Communities EUDAT has 7 core-communities, part of the EUDAT2020 project Invite collaborations with new communities & projects call for Data Pilots resulting in further engagement with 24 Pilots EUDAT working groups Working with EUDAT and community experts on specific data management topics Semantics, Sensitive Data, New Database Technologies, … Intensive RDA involvement: PracticalPolicies, PIT, DTR, DataFabric, … Collaboration with communities in new proposals such as the recently approved SeaDataCloud project Add the collaboration in new proposals
ENES – European Network for Earth System Modeling The climate and earth system modeling community is represented in EUDAT by DKRZ as community data center DKRZ works on a B2SHARE instance for DKRZ/ENES as a long tail data archive and publishing platform. special requirements: completeness, quality checks choice for Handle or DOI as PIDs B2FIND as one of the channels for publishing ENES metadata B2STAGE moving data to HPC centers
EPOS – European Plate Observatory System EUDAT collaborates with the seismology community within EPOS represented by three thematic data centers: INGV, KNMI and GFZ EUDAT provides data preservation and replication with B2SAFE B2STAGE moving data to HPC facilities Requirements for: handling of metadata throughout the CDI, access to replica data handling of dynamic data
ICOS – Integrated Carbon Observation System ICOS is a Pan-European Infrastructure for studying the greenhouse gas balance EUDAT is providing data management services to the ICOS Carbon Portal, that gathers data from all the ICOS observation stations Use of B2SAFE for persistency and B2STAGE for moving data to HPC facilities Auxiliary services: Semantic annotation (B2NOTE) and data typing (DTR)
Earth Science Data Pilots JADDS – Juelich Atmospheric Data Distribution Service Publishing metadata for atmospheric composition model data-sets in B2FIND Publishing frequent requested data-sets content via B2SHARE PAIRQURS - Public Access to fine grained city air quality data from roving sensors Archive, share and publish observation data via B2SHARE & B2DROP DATA SPHINX – DATA Storage and Preservation of HIgh resolutioN climate model eXperiments Aggregating model simulation output data using B2STAGE in a central repository Publishing the metadata via B2SHARE and B2FIND ClimateModeling – Seasonal-to-decadal climate and air quality modeling Data transfer between institutes with B2STAGE/B2SAFE Data discovery via B2FIND EISCAT – Unified Access to EISCAT radar data The incoherent scatter radars provide information on the ionosphere Using EUDAT services for managing the data that will be produced by the next generation radars in the EISCAT-3D project JADDS and DATA SPHINX are about aggregating data and publishing PAIRQURS is next to publishing results also using data exchange with B2DROP Notice that JADDS and DATA SPHINX use B2SHARE as a metadata publication platform The European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT) operates three incoherent scatter radars, instruments probing the Earth's ionosphere, at high latitudes Salient points generalize a bit
EUDAT Service Uptake by Earth Sciences* B2FIND B2SAFE B2STAGE B2SHARE B2DROP B2ACCESS B2HANDLE Data Volume TB Requirements for services within scope of EUDAT (not exhaustive) ENES X 10s Mixed Handle / DOIs support for B2SHARE & B2HANDLE EPOS 100s Metadata in the CDI, access to replica, dynamic-data handling B2HANDLE, B2ACCESS for community services ICOS Metadata in the CDI, B2NOTE for semantic annotation, DTR for explicit Data Typing, B2HANDLE DOI support JADDS 50 PAIRQURS 10 Data SPHINX 150 ClimateModel 300 EISCAT New requirements are explicitly a goal of this Data Pilot Conclusions: DOIs must be offered in combination with standard Handles from B2HANDLE, B2FIND is an accepted interdisciplinary metadata catalogue, descriptive metadata should be present at all levels in the CDI Mention the difference between community storage and storage involved with EUDAT services for the community e.g. EISCAT 3D PBversus 100s TB B2DROP is not explicitly in the UP, but its already used in the communities in an informal way, limit is also 20GB *in different stages of realization
Experiences & Conclusions EUDAT can provide for a large variety of research communities needs EUDAT operates in a landscape of developing research infrastructures of varying maturity these often have ready-developed solutions … or requirements are not yet stable EUDAT has to identify the right components and generic services useful for communities to build their data strategies on allowing alignment of business and organizational models Successful uptake of EUDAT services is necessarily based on strong interaction with research communities DOI use
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