Delaware’s Traffic Records Assessment December 2000
Pre-Assessment Climate Safety Management System (SMS) ISTEA requirement Oct 1, 1994—work plan in place and by Oct 1, 1996 fully operational SMS was defined as a process to reduce the number and severity of motor vehicle crashes by coordinating highway safety planning and design, and through the effective implementation of highway safety countermeasures and strategies. DE’s SMS committee consisted of over 40 representatives from federal, state and local government
SMS continued DE SMS accomplishments Agencies started thinking comprehensively about data collection and data sharing and its impact on highway safety Roadmap (1997)—SMS’s strategic plan for crash data collection and reporting. The Roadmap recommended an action plan for the development and implementation of an electronic crash reporting environment.
SMS continued Crash data dictionary—State Police, Highway Safety and Transportation representatives met for over a year to revise and update the data fields of information collected on the uniform crash report. The group’s intent was similar to that of MMUCC—establish consistent data element definitions to improve problem identification, establishment of priority areas and goals, and to evaluate program success.
What happened next? TEA-21 legislation and 411 funds Y2K phenomenon 411 funds available for states with TRCC’s, strategic plans, and TR assessments Y2K phenomenon Overall, SMS efforts provided the foundation for our current TR improvement projects
TR Assessment Met with Ed Milton, NHTSA and Clay Hatch, Assessment Coordinator in late Summer 2000 Planned for December 4-8, 2000
Preparations Planned an interview schedule over 2 and ½ days and selected the hotel TRCC provided ample opportunity to identify appropriate participants NHTSA provided various planning documents—2 most important: Checklist and timelines for completion of all prep prior to the event Assessment Questionnaire for participants—provided needed background for the assessment team.
Preparations (continued) Team members selected: Jack Zogby, M.P.A., PA (DOT) Larry Holestine, CO (enforcement) Bob Scopatz, PhD, FL (crash data) Lang Spell, VA (DMV) Bob Bailey, M.A., NC (EMS) Kay Banks, OK (Administrative Assistant)
Assessment Highlights Team allowed OHS to present the first morning Allowed me the opportunity to hear first hand where the challenges were according to the TRCC members—perfect timing For selected partners, I did leave the room
Assessment Recommendations Ensure the TRCC includes representation from all stakeholders (accomplished) Assign oversight responsibility to the TRCC (ongoing) Have TRCC develop the TR System Strategic Plan (accomplished) Outline the process for the development of the automated crash reporting project (accomplished) Revise and implement a new crash report form in advance of the automated crash report form (discarded)
Recommendations continued Create a TR System Resource Guide (delayed pending current efforts) Promote use of simpler query tools and allow greater access to crash data (accomplished) Provide TR system training—possibly conduct a training needs assessment (delayed pending development of NHTSA TR training opportunities) Establish a statewide GIS system (accomplished) Fully implement CODES to improve data linkage (accomplished)
Where are we now? Automated Crash Report Project RFP issued Spring 2001 TraCS identified as the best solution Programmers begin the conversion Piloted to 35 officers from 10 agencies in October 2002 Still in pilot phase Training planned utilizing pilot phase participants Tow slip (completed) and automated ticket (in development) are part of the package
Accomplishments cont. RFP for TRCC Strategic Plan and System Requirements Definition (SRD) InfoGroup selected from 4 proposals received from TR and IT specialists Contract signed in spring 2002 to prepare a Strategic Plan and SRD for the integrated data collection system Also charged with assisting OHS in identifying a data analysis tool to assist OHS in the problem identification process Integrated data collection system to combine crash, DMV, location, adjudication, and EMS data to improve DE’s overall crash picture Strategic Plan and SRD outlined the recommendations necessary to achieve an integrated data collection system
Accomplishments cont. CARE (Critical Analysis Reporting Environment) by U of Alabama Identified by InfoGroup as a potential solution to OHS’ problem data analysis limitations Capability to provide overrepresentation in crash data was especially appealing Since March 2003, 1992-2003 DE crash data has been downloaded for analysis CARE staff been especially helpful in addressing revisions requested, providing training exercises, and providing back-end technical assistance Training for OHS staff to take place within next few months CARE may be the tool to provide the integrated data collection system through either a web-based or desktop application
Lastly… TRCC meets about 3 times per year to update members on progress made toward development and implementation of the integrated data collection system Updates on TRCC made to the OHS website Continued enhancement of the EMS Data Information Network (electronic patient care reports) Continued efforts to link crash, patient care reports, and hospital discharge data through CARE
Office of Highway Safety Questions?? Contact info: Jana Simpler Management Analyst Office of Highway Safety P.O. Box 1321 Dover, DE 19903 (302) 744-2742