Wansdyke Rio medal winners Wansdyke School, Downlands Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5EF Tel: 01380 725234 Fax: 01380 728080 Website: www.wansdyke.wilts.sch.uk Email: admin@wansdyke.wilts.sch.uk Newsletter July 1st 2016 “Working together, playing together, learning to be the best we can.” Rio Week Friday saw an amazing finale to our Rio week. Wansdyke children joined 8 other schools to parade along the streets of Devizes. The roads were closed to accommodate us and we entered Southbroom St James Academy to enjoy an inter-school athletics competition. Finally we processed to Devizes Football Club for the announcing of school medal winners and 2 dance performances. Grateful thanks are extended to Elaine Gisbourne who led the dance workshops that enable the children to prepare for their performance. Wansdyke Rio medal winners Gold medals Well done to our gold medal winners: our water polo team, martial arts team, Freya Petherick, Imogen Mascall (both individual swimming medals)and Thomas Sharples for Javelin Headteacher's Message Dear all, We had a wonderful ending to our Rio week and I wanted to take the opportunity to say how proud I was of the children. Their behaviour on the day was excellent and they represented Wansdyke with pride. It was brilliant to see the children of Wansdyke mixing together with all the other schools. This week we have waved goodbye to our Year 6 children as they set off on their residential to Whitemead in the Forest of Dean. We will also look forward to their end of year production of Treasure Island. Charlotte Robinson Wansdyke Rio medal winners Silver medal winners Year 2 swimming team, Honey Cleaver Skipping, Jack Holloway Skipping, Joshua Campbell 50m sprint Bronze medal winners Elimination Newcombe team, Gymnastics display team, Archie Pearce and Rosie Basnett Hammer The Archery team also won medals as part of inter-school teams Wansdyke School Overall Rio medal winners Each school was required to pick 2 children who stood out across the Rio week. The 2 winners from Wansdyke were chosen for excellent sportsmanship and inclusive attitude to sporting teamwork. They also demonstrated the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. They were Samuel Came and Esme Burgess. Wansdyke has also nominated a further 2 children for the reasons above and they are Harry Drewitt and Chloe Hibberd
Good Learning Book Libby Drewitt, Olivia Howard, Loki Cowden, Jake Harrer, Finlay Morgan, Dominic Bedford, Jack Strawson, Jack Myring, Emily Carter, Matthew Carter, Oakley Grist, Katie Curtis, Charlie Hemmings, TJ Pugh, Matilda Taylor, Charlie Potter, Lillie Smith, Louisa Boyce, Paige Vernon, Charlotte Betts, Taylor-Jack Waller, Toby Hollands, Charlotte Kinder, Reggie Harris, Charlotte Humphries, Owen Hodges, Cecily Surowiec, Riley Heyes, Henry Hinder, Aden Williams, Ruby Wheeler Queen’s birthday celebrations On Friday 10th June we had a special day to mark the birthday celebrations for the Queen. Children took part in many activities and we enjoyed a fish and chip lunch outside on the playground. We all sang the National Anthem before sitting down to enjoy our street party. Each class created a section of a picture of the Queen in different media. Miss Spencer stitched this together and we will be displaying it in the hall. Library fundraising Thank you to Mr Pangrazzi and MPL guitars UK who raised £180 towards the library fund! A big thank you to Emily and Matthew Carter who baked cookies and sold them in their shop Emily’s Tea Rooms. They raised £155. Key dates Tuesday 5th July School open as normal. School unaffected by strike action Friday 8th July 9.00am EYFS Parent’s assembly Friday 8th July 9.30am Year 3 Parent’s assembly. W/B Monday 11th July Transition week to the new teacher Monday 11th July 1.30pm and 6.30pm Year 5/6 Production of Treasure Island Tuesday 12th July 6.30pm Year 5/6 Production of Treasure Island Tuesday 19th July Meet you child’s class teacher and art gallery (as per the designated times already issued) Thursday 21st July KS1 and KS2 discos (fliers to follow) Friday 22nd July Last day of term (normal finishing time) Attendance and holidays As I am sure you are aware there was a recent case reported in the media about Jon Platt, a father who took his case regarding a fine for unauthorised holiday in term time, to the high court. Despite winning the case, advice from the DFE and Wiltshire local authority remains that holidays in term time are not authorised by Headteacher. Therefore, it remains the case that only holidays in ‘exceptional circumstances’ will be authorised and these will be considered on a case by case basis.