Rotary Youth Leadership Awards DTA RID 3141 March 27, 2016 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is one of Rotary International’s nine structured programs designed to help clubs and districts achieve their service goals in their own communities and in communities abroad, fostering fellowship and goodwill in the process.
What is RYLA? RYLA is an intensive training program for youth ages 14-30. Programs are typically in the form of a seminar, camp, or workshop, 3-10 days in length, organized by Rotarians at the club or district level.
RYLA Goals Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concern for youth. Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders. Encourage leadership of youth by youth. Publicly recognize young people who are providing service to their communities.
RYLA’s Core Curriculum Each RYLA should be tailored to meet the needs of its audience, but core curriculum includes: Fundamentals of leadership Ethics of positive leadership Importance of communication skills Problem-solving and conflict management Rotary’s purpose and service to the community Building self-confidence and self-esteem Elements of community and global citizenship
Benefits of RYLA Develops youth leadership skills and self confidence while exposing them to community leaders and mentors Inspires new ideas for service, increases support of projects, and helps develop future potential members
RYLA History The first RYLA was held in July 1961 in Brisbane, Australia. It became a structured RI program in 1971. Each year, over 60% of Rotary clubs nominate a RYLA participant or help organize a RYLA event.
RYLA Guidelines Highly flexible Age range is 14-30 Varying event lengths Organized and run by Rotarians Sponsored by several districts jointly, by one district, or by a Rotary club
Sample RYLA Themes Leadership in a global society Leadership at your school/in your community Ethics in Business Ethics and the Environment
How to Organize a RYLA Form a RYLA committee. Identify the target age group. Identify the location and speakers. Promote the event to the community, schools, Interact, or Rotaract clubs. Submit RYLA Report Form to RI after the event.
Role of District The district RYLA chair is appointed by the district governor and selects the RYLA committee, which: Selects program dates Selects site Develops a budget Determines program agenda Promotes to clubs
Role of Clubs Rotarians at the club-level can: Select awardees Provide sponsorship Develop expectations of youth upon return from program Encourage their participation in other RI Programs
Resources The following resources are available on the RI Web site: RYLA section RYLA Brochure RYLA Handbook RYLA staff e-mail Rotary E-Learning Center
RYPEN Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment 14 – 17 years
RYPEN The Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment or RYPEN is a Rotary sponsored District New Generations program. Year ten and eleven students, from schools across District 9800 attend a weekend long camp designed at developing their potential through a mixture of lecture style sessions and adventure-based learning. Its aim is to communicate to young people a series of ideas, problems and social experiences which will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards. A program of thought provoking speakers, social situations and personal challenges is offered. District 9800 Rotaractors act as facilitators for the camp, leading groups of students and running the sessions. A Rotary club acts as the host club for the camp and provides the catering for the weekend while enjoying an excellent fellowship opportunity for its members.