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Presentation transcript:

COSA Committee Meeting June 22-23 Amy Stillings Industry Economist Office of Renewable Energy Programs

Understanding Potential Economic Impacts to Commercial Fishing from Offshore Wind Energy Development BOEM Information Need: Methodology & identification of cumulative impacts from construction and operation plans (COP) of multiple projects Date Information is Required: FY 2019

Background Relationship with Previous Work/Efforts: Space-Use Conflict Study (2012) Socio-Economic Impact to Fisheries (2017) Relationship with Concurrent/Future Efforts: Exploration of other data and methodologies with NOAA and state agencies

Study Objectives Develop and implement a vetted methodology to understand potential costs and benefits of vessels adjusting fishing locations. This tool should be flexible to allow the modification of input parameters surrounding: Scenarios related to gear compatibility, biomass changes, mitigation options Fisheries, port, gear type, vessel size, and individual permit level Site specific COP level and cumulatively

Methods Assess adequacy of existing spatially-explicit fisheries revenue datasets Develop an impact model that would consider coast-wide fishing behavior under cumulative scenarios Conduct workshops with fishing industry to vet methodology and results

Relationship to Strategic Science Questions Cumulative effects assessments addressed Social science used to inform impacts on the human environment