Geometry Origami - Fox What shape are you beginning with? Fold along one diagonal of the square (colored side out).
Repeat on the other side. Geometry Origami - Fox Take the vertex at one of the non-right angles and fold it down to meet the vertex at the right angle. Repeat on the other side.
Geometry Origami - Fox Turn the square so that 2 of the edges are parallel to you and 2 are perpendicular to you. The “flaps” should be facing up, so you can see them.
Geometry Origami - Fox Fold along the diagonal of the square. Fold back, so that the flaps are facing away from you. You should now have a right triangle. Turn the triangle so the right angle is on the right. The open edge should be facing right, and the folded edge should be parallel to you.
Can you see the trapezoid? Geometry Origami - Fox Imagine a line that is parallel to the open edge, and a little more than a cm to the left of the open edge. Fold along this line. Can you see the trapezoid?
Geometry Origami - Fox From the bottom, pick up one layer of the trapezoid and fold it to the right.
Fold the fox’s nose down. Geometry Origami - Fox Fold the fox’s nose down.
Geometry Origami - Fox Find the largest triangle on the fox. The vertex in line with the fox’s feet will make his tail. Fold a small portion of it up.