WWW Dr. Stacey Murrell
AIR Help Desk Zac Sweeney
General Summative
Reporting Dates Date Activity 07.20.2016 Districts may start printing reports 08.08.2016 Student Reports distributed at start of school year 08.10.2016* Embargo on data removed at 2:00 PM* 09.23.2016 Timely Release of Reports due to District 09.30.2016 Timely Release of Reports due to WVDE
Labels Labels Mid-September Grades 3-11 WVGSA information Used for student file In the box Envelopes sorted by school Labels Alpha order
WVGSA Target Report Update: There was a recalculation for the test as a whole column. WVDE agreed to this because the old calculation was not using the Smarter Balanced rule used for the proficiency column. New rule is less conservative and allows for more range in the target report. Both columns now using same rule.
New URL for Interim/Diagnostic Resources http://tinyurl.com/slmurrell
AIR Ways AIR Ways Reporting is now open on the WV Assessment Portal. User guide was emailed to you and is at http://wv.portal.airast.org/wp-content/uploads/AIRWays_ProductGuide_2016-2017.pdf
New PowerPoint On OneDrive, tinyurl.com/slmurrell 2016-2017 Interim and Diagnostic PowerPoint Please feel free to share and/or use this for interim/diagnostic trainings
IAB Answer Keys We have several new IABs and the answer keys are being created. Go here to find the answer keys: tinyurl.com/slmurrell
New IABs ELA- All Grades 3-11 Math Editing G3 NumBase10 LangVocab G4 Geometry and MeasData Revision G5 Geometry and OpAlgThink G6 NumberSys and StatProb G7 Geometry and StatProb G8 ExEQStatProb G11 StatProb (any grade 9, 10, 11, and/or 12 student may take grade 11 interims)
Diagnostics are NOT open 2015-2016 Diagnostics should be back online by October 15. We still have the printable PDFs if needed sooner. Revised ELA DIAs and NEW Math DIAs will open Jan. 2017.