Dawn Lowe / Andrew Mitchell Status Report on NASA’s Earth Observing Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Dawn Lowe / Andrew Mitchell September 2016
Earth Science Data Systems Mission Statement The Earth Science Data System Program oversees the lifecycle of earth science data with the principle goal of maximizing the scientific return from NASA’s missions and experiments for research and applied scientists, decision makers and society at large.
Topics EOSDIS Overview Metrics Status of NASA SNPP Data Production Future Missions Update on EOSDIS Cloud Technology Prototypes
Data Sources Type Example Missions Satellite/on-orbit Missions Terra, Aqua, Aura, Suomi-NPP, SORCE, GPM, GRACE, CloudSat, CALIPSO, etc. Airborne missions IceBridge, Earth Ventures (5+ missions), UAVSAR, etc. In Situ Measurement missions Field campaigns on land (e.g., LBA-ECO) and in the ocean (e.g., SPURS) Applications support Near-real time creation and distribution of selected products for applications communities Earth Science Research support Research products from efforts like MEaSUREs. This also includes data from older, heritage missions (prior to EOS Program) that the DAACs rescue – e.g., Nimbus, SeaSat
Science Investigator-led Processing Systems National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science Investigator-led Processing Systems Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Ocean Data Processing System (OCDPS) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Atmosphere MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Land Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Ocean Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS) Ozone Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) & Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Sounder Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS 2 (AMSR-E/2) SIPSs perform forward processing of standard products, and reprocess data to incorporate algorithm improvements. www.nasa.gov
Discipline-oriented Data Centers National Aeronautics and Space Administration Discipline-oriented Data Centers ASF SDC SAR Products, Sea Ice, Polar Processes, Geophysics ASF SDC SAR Products, Sea Ice, Polar Processes, Geophysics SEDAC Human Interactions, Land Use, Environmental Sustainability, Geospatial Data LP DAAC Surface Reflectance, Land Cover, Vegetation Indices GES DISC Global Precipitation, Solar Irradiance, Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics, Global Modeling NSIDC DAAC Snow and Ice, Cryosphere, Climate Inter- actions, Sea Ice PO.DAAC Gravity, Sea Surface Temperature, Ocean Winds, Topography, Circulation & Currents CDDIS Space Geodesy, Solid Earth OBPG Ocean Biology, Sea Surface Temperature LaRC ASDC Radiation Budget, Clouds, Aerosols, Tropospheric Chemistry MODAPS/ LAADS MODIS Level-1 and Atmosphere Data Products GHRC DAAC Hydrologic Cycle, Severe Weather Inter- actions, Lightning, Atmospheric Convection ORNL DAAC Biogeochemical Dynamics, Ecological Data, Environmental Processes www.nasa.gov
Role of EOSDIS DAACs DAACs were selected and established based on the Earth Science discipline expertise and heritage of their host organizations. They provide unique support and expert services to their user communities. They also provide data and services to the research community for comprehensive, cross-discipline studies needed to understand Earth as an interrelated system. DAAC Functions Ingest Level 0 data from EDOS Ingest higher level products produced by SIPS Perform processing of higher level products in some cases Archive assigned data sets Export metadata to the Common Metadata Repository (CMR) Provide user interfaces, tools, and services Distribute data to users (primarily electronically) Provide metrics data to ESDIS Metrics System (EMS) DAACs ensure safe stewardship of NASA’s data
Common Metadata Repository (CMR) EOS Metrics System (EMS) DAAC Context Acquisition, e.g., EOS Data Operations System (EDOS) NASA Sentinel Gateway Science Researchers Processing Science Investigator-led Processing Systems (SIPSs) Raw Data Applications Users Science Data & Data Products Distributed Active Archive Center Mission Processing Systems Educational Users Science Data Science Computing Facilities (SCFs) Ancillary, e.g., EOSDIS Core System / Discipline specific systems Common Metadata Repository (CMR) NOAA NCEP Precipitation Ancillary Data Precise Orbit Determination Metadata Models, e.g., Model Output Global Modeling and Assimilation Metrics EOS Metrics System (EMS) Land Data Assimilation Systems
EOSDIS-wide Elements and Capabilities EarthData: the EOSDIS website (Earthdata.nasa.gov) provides a focal point for cross-DAAC and EOSDIS content and news sharing, and access to Earth science data and services Common Metadata Repository (CMR): metadata catalog of NASA's EOS data and related data services (e.g. reformatting, pattern recognition) as well as Collection-level metadata for ~ 25,000 data sets from broad international community. Essential underlying component for data discovery and access. EarthData Search Client (EDSC): easy-to-use access to EOSDIS services for Earth science data discovery, filtering, visualization, allowing users to download and access Earth observation data Near Real-Time Capabilities: Provided by “LANCE” (Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS) which produces products within < 3 hours of observation. Near real-time capabilities are co-located with the standard science production facilities. Global Image Browse System / WorldView: GIBS provides access to full resolution imagery derived from NASA products; Worldview Client allows users to explore GIBS imagery in a Google- Maps like manner. ESDIS Metrics System (EMS): collects and reports on data ingest, production, archive, and distribution across all EOSDIS data centers Earthdata Log-in (User Registration System): provides a centralized and simplified mechanism for user registration and account management for all EOSDIS system components.
15+ years of Earth Science Data Deletion of MODIS Collection 4 Products Landsat-7 Data Migrated from LPDAAC to USGS Addition of AQUARIUS and ICEBRIDGE products ALOS PALSAR & UAVSAR products ICESat MEASURES 2006 MEASURES 2012 TERRA AQUA AURA Addition of SNPP CERES&OMPS Total EOSDIS Accumulated Data Archive Volume (Petabytes) A petabyte is a lot of data: 1 PB is 20 million four-drawer filing cabinets full of text 1 PB is 13.3 years of HD-TV video 1.5 PB is the size of 10 billion photos on Facebook
EOSDIS Products Delivered: FY00 thru Aug 2016 121.7 M As of Feb 2009, all historical data comes from EMS (no EDGRS annual report data for pre-2000) and OBPG data is added from the Ocean Color website statistics for FY04 through FY12. Prior years (FY00-FY2008) products distribution data sources cover the following data centers: ASF, LPDAAC, GSFC, GHRC, PO.DAAC, ASDC, NSIDC, ORNL, SEDAC, including OBPG since FY2004, MODAPS since FY2006, CDDIS since FY2009 and LANCE since FY10. All data are on FY boundaries. FY2011 data is cumulated per month for the following 11 data centers: ASF, LPDAAC, GSFC, GHRC, PO.DAAC, ASDC, NSIDC, ORNL, MODAPS, SEDAC, CDDIS, and LANCE with OBPG added at end of the fiscal year. FY2012 data is cumulated per month for the following data centers: ASF, LPDAAC, GSFC, GHRC, PO.DAAC, ASDC, NSIDC, ORNL, MODAPS, SEDAC, CDDIS and LANCE; OBPG data included as of June 2012, the earlier months added at end of the fiscal year. As of FY12 CALIPSO distribution is included in ASDC totals. FY2013/14/15/16 data is cumulated per month for the following data centers: ASF, LPDAAC, GSFC, GHRC, PO.DAAC, ASDC, NSIDC, ORNL, MODAPS, SEDAC, CDDIS, OBDAAC*, LANCE (*Beginning in October 1 2015, OBPG has been renamed to OBDAAC) Year Pre-decisional - For NASA Internal Use Only
FY2016 EOSDIS Data Products Distributed by Country
SNPP Land Products for EOS Continuity Product Name MODIS (EOS Terra and Aqua) VIIRS (S-NPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2) Planned Time Frame to the DAACs Land Surface Reflectance X October 2016 MAIAC Product Suite * December 2016 BRDF/Albedo, NBAR November 2016 Land Surface Temperature Vegetation Indices (VI) FPAR Fire and Thermal Anomalies Burned Area March 2017 Snow Cover * Includes surface reflectance, BRDF, snow fraction and aerosol retrievals over Land
SNPP Land Products for EOS Continuity (cont.) Product Name MODIS (EOS Terra and Aqua) VIIRS (S-NPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2 Planned Time Frame to the DAACs Sea Ice Cover X October 2016 Ice Surface Temperature - November 2016 Land Cover Dynamics (Land Surface Phenology) April 2017 Note: Products are available in both instrument swath (Level 2) and gridded (Level 3), except MAIAC suite (Level 3 only).
SNPP Ocean Products for EOS Continuity Product Name MODIS (EOS Terra and Aqua) VIIRS (S-NPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2) Planned Time Frame to the DAACs Aerosol Angstrom Exponent X available now Aerosol Optical Thickness Chlorophyll a Concentration Diffuse attenuation at 490 nm Photosynthetically Available Radiation Particulate Inorganic Carbon Remote Sensing Reflectance Inherent Optical Properties (total and component absorption and scattering coefficients) Sea Surface Temperature Note: VIIRS/SNPP products are now available as six minute Level-1 and Level-2 files (vs. NOAA’s 86 second versions) and global 4km produced using NASA algorithms and EDOS-provided raw data files.
VIIRS Level 1 and Atmosphere Products for EOS Continuity Product Name MODIS (EOS Terra and Aqua) VIIRS (SNPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2) Planned Time Frame to the DAACs Level 1A X December 2016 Geolocation Fields Level 1B (Calibrated Radiances) Cloud Mask January 2017 Aerosol Dark Target Aerosol Deep Blue Total Precipitable Water Vapor Cloud Properties (Optical & Infrared) Cirrus Reflectance Joint Atmosphere Product* TBD * Selected parameters from Level 2 products
SNPP Ozone Products for EOS Continuity Product Name EOS Aura OMI SNPP OMPS Nadir + Limb JPSS 1 OMPS Nadir JPSS 2 Planned Time Frame to the DAACs (OMPS-NPP Products) Calibrated, Geolocated L1B X September 2016 (nadir) October 2016 (limb) Ozone nadir vertical profiles September 2016 Ozone total column Aerosol Index Included in Ozone total column product High resolution vertical Ozone profiles - January 2017 High resolution aerosol vertical profiles November 2016
Sounder Products for EOS Continuity Product Name AMSU-A/AIRS (EOS Aqua) ATMS/CrIS (S-NPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2) Planned Time Frame to the DAACs MW Level 1B radiances X January 2017 IR Level 1B radiances (reduced resolution) IR Level 1B radiances (full resolution) January 2018 Level 2 Products* (reduced resolution) October 2017 (beta) Level 3 Gridded products* (reduced resolution) February 2018 Level 2 Products* (full resolution) October 2018 Level 3 Gridded products* (full resolution) * Atmospheric Temperature & Water Vapor profiles, Surface Temperature and Emissivity, Total Cloud Liquid Water, Cloud Properties (fractional cover, cloud top temperature, cloud top height), Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, Methane, Cloud Cleared IR Radiances
CERES Products for EOS Continuity Product Name CERES (EOS Terra and Aqua) CERES (S-NPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2) Planned Time Frame to the DAACs Bi-Directional Scan (BDS) Radiance X Available now ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimate (ES-8) ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages (ES-9) ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages (ES-4) Single Scanner Footprint TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SSF) Hourly Gridded TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SSF1deg-Hour)
CERES Products for EOS Continuity (cont’d) Product Name CERES (EOS Terra and Aqua) CERES (S-NPP, JPSS 1 and JPSS 2) Planned Time Frame to the DAACs Monthly and Daily Gridded TOA/Surface Fluxes and Clouds (SSF1deg-Month/Day) X Available now Monthly and Daily Zonal and Global Radiative Fluxes and Clouds (SYN1deg-Month/Day) Fall 2016 Cloud Type Histogram Summer 2016
EOSDIS Future Mission Support ESDIS CY 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 EOSDIS LIS on ISS/GHRC SAGE-III ISS/ASDC CYGNSS/JPL-PO OCO-3 ISS/GESDISC JPSS-1 GRACE FO/JPL-PO TSIS-1 ISS/GESDISC ICESat-2/NSIDC ECOSTRESS ISS/LPDAAC GEDI LP & ORNL SWOT/JPL-PO TEMPO/ASDC NISAR/AST PACE/OBDAAC 11/11/16 5/10/17 Launch 11/11/16 5/10/17 Planned Data Release 11/21/16 5/20/17 1/1/17 6/30/17 3/1/17 8/28/17 8/1/17 1/28/18 9/1/17 2/28/18 12/1/17 5/30/18 1/1/18 6/30/18 3/1/19 8/29/19 4/1/21 9/8/21 12/1/21 5/30/22 12/30/21 6/28/22 8/1/22 1/28/23
EOSDIS Cloud Prototypes Web Object Storage and distribution prototype Goals: Store and distribute data from Amazon S3 Capture performance and usage metrics to understand cost drivers for storage and egress fees (tall poles). Work with Amazon on cost models to support petabyte scale archives. Status: ASF WOS is storing data and serving to the public using AWS S3. Migration of Ingest and storage software is underway. Ingest/Archive Prototype Goal: Develop software to utilize capabilities of commercial clouds for the efficient ingest, archive and management for the unique requirements for satellite, airborne and in situ earth science data. Phase 1 of prototype demonstrated to DAACs in August Phase 2 (additional data sets) will begin in October.
EOSDIS Cloud Prototypes Hosting Applications in the cloud offers the clearest path to improve efficiency. Over the next 2 years, core applications will be adapted to work within commercial cloud environments. Metadata Search and Order System Common Metadata Repository (CMR): Provides sub-second search and discovery services for over 250M spatial objects using openly available APIs. Catalog of data from all DAACs and many international agencies. Status: Cloud Migration has begun with creation of the database; anticipate completion in ~ 9 months Visualization System Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS): Full resolution imagery from NASA instruments publically provided through open standards based APIs and the Worldview web client. Status: Re-engineered GIBS workflow to replicate functionality in the Cloud. Demonstrated with VIIRS imagery. Additional data sets being added. Earthdata Web Infrastructure Platform for developing and hosting science websites and portals interacting with spatial data, includes requirement management, code development, testing and deployment to operations. Status: Developers’ Portal section has been deployed to a Cloud, but is still under development. Earthdata Login Centralized mechanism for user self-registration and profile management across EOSDIS Status: Migration to Cloud put on hold while Earthdata login approach is being re-examined.
Acronym List A&A AAAS AAG ACRIM ACSI ADEOS AETD AIRS ALOS AMASS AMS AMSR ANGe API ARRA ASCI ASDC ASF ASTER GDS ATMS ATO BGP BMGT BoE CARS CDDIS CEOS CERES CF CLASS CM CMR CNES CO COFUR COMET COTS CrLS CSOC CSW CWIC CYGNSS C1 DAAC DAP DAS DEM DISC DOE Authorization and Accreditation American Association for Advancement of Science Association of American Geographers Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor American Customer Satisfaction Index Advanced Earth Observing System (Japan) Applied Engineering and Technology Directorate Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Advanced Land Observation Satellite Archival Management and Storage System American Meteorological Society Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Archive Next Generation Application Programming Interface American Recovery and Reinvestment Act American Survey Customer Index Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (Langley) Alaska SAR Facility Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Ground Data System Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Authorization to Operate Border Gateway Protocol Bulk Metadata Generation Tool Basis of Estimate Climate Analysis Research Systems Crustal Dynamics Data Information System Committee on Earth Observations Satellites Cloud’s and Earth’s Radiant Energy System Climate and Forecasts Communication Link Analysis Simulation System Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System Configuration Management Common Metadata Repository Centre National D’etudes Spatiales (France) Carbon Monoxide Cost of Filling User Request COnfiguration Management EOS Tool Commercial Off the Shelf Cross-Track Infrared Sounder Consolidated Space Operations Center Catalog Services for the Web CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System Configuration 1 Distributed Active Archive Center Delivered Algorithm Package Data Assimilation System Digital Elevation Model Data and Information Services Center Department of Energy DR DRN DSCOVR Ebnet ECC ECHO ECS EDC EDG EDOS EDR EED EDSC EGS ELV EMD EMOS EMS EOC EOS EOSDIS EPGN EPGS ERG ESDIS ESDSWG ESDT ESE ESIP ESISS ESRI ESSAAC ETE ETS EWOC FDS FMU FOS FOR FTP G & A GCMD GDAAC GDS GDEM GEOS GES GHRC GIBS Discrepancy Report Data Ready Notification Deep Space Climate Observatory EOS Backbone Network Earthdata Code Collaborative EOSDIS Clearing House EOSDIS Core System EROS Data Center EOS Data Gateway EOS Data & Operations System Environmental Data Records EOSDIS Evolution and Development Earth Data Search Client EOS Ground System Expendable Launch Vehicle EOSDIS Core System Maintenance and Development EOS Mission Operation System EOSDIS Metrics System EOS Operations Center Earth Observing System EOS Data & Information System EOS Polar Ground Network EOS Polar Ground Station EOSDIS Review Group Earth Science Data & Information System Earth Science Data Systems Working Group Earth Science Data Types Earth Science Enterprise Earth Science Information Partner ESA Space Information Systems Environmental Systems Research Institute Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee End to End EOS Test System ECHO Web Service Definition Language Ordering Component Flight Dynamics System Formatter/Multiplexor Unit Flight Operations Segment Flight Operation Review File Transfer Protocol General and Administrative Global Change Master Directory Goddard DAAC Ground Data System Global Digital Elevation Map Goddard Earth Observing System Goddard Earth Sciences Global Hydrology Research Center Global Imagery Browse Services
Acronym List Geomatics Info. Magazine Geoscience Laser Altimeter System Global Modeling and Assimilation Office Ground Network Goddard Opportunities Bulletin Board System Ground Operations Exercise Global Precipitation Measurement Gross Primary Production Government Performance Results Act Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-Follow-On Government Resource for Algorithm Verification, Independent Testing, and Evaluation Goddard Space Flight Center Ground Station Interface Facility Hierarchical Data Format Hierarchical Data Format - Earth Observing System-Geographic Tagged Image File Format High-Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder Interface Control Document Integrated Communication Effort Ice Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite International Directory Network Interface Data Processing Segment Initial Project Review International Polar Year Interface Requirements Document Information System Division Internal Organization for Standardization International Space Station Rapid Scat-terometer Instrument Support Terminal Instrument Team Information Technology Independent Verification & Validation Integration & Test Joint Project Implementation Plan Jet Propulsion Laboratory Joint Polar Satellite System Johnson Space Center Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut Landsat-7 - Land Remote Sensing Satellite Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System Leaf Area Index Land Atmosphere Near real time Capability for EOS Langley Research Center LaRC DAAC TRMM Information System Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia Long Duration Balloon Launch and Early Orbit Phase GIM GLAS GMAO GN GOBBS GOE GPM GPP GPRA GRACE FO GRAVITE GSFC GSIF HDF HEG HIRDLS ICD ICE ICESat IDN IDPS IPR IPY IRD ISD ISO ISS-RapidScat IST IT IV&V I&T JPIP JPL JPSS JSC KNMI L-7 LAADS LAI LANCE LaRC LaTIS LBA LDB LEOP LP LPDC LRD LTO MD5 MEaSUREs METI MISR MLS MODAPS MODIS MOPFAS MOPITT MOR MOSS MPS MRR MSS NASDA NCAR NCCS NCDC NCR NCSA NEAT NST4 NICSE NISN NIVR NOA NOAA NPP NRC NRTPS NSOF NSI NSIDC OB.DAAC OBPG OCDPS OCO ODPS OECD OES OGC OHCM Land Processes (DAAC) Land Processes Data Center Launch Readiness Date Linear Tape-Open Message-Digest algorithm Making Earth Science Records for Use in Research Environments Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Multi-Angle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer Microwave Limb Sounder MODIS Adaptive Processing System Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-Radiometer MOPITT operational fast forward model Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere Mission Operations Review Mission Operations and Science System Mission Planning System Mission Readiness Review Management Subsystem National Space Development Agency (Japan) National Center for Atmospheric Research NASA Center for Climate Simulation National Climatic Data Center Nonconformance Report National Center for Supercomputer Applications Network Evolution and Architecture Transformation NPP Compatibility Test 4 NPP Instrument Calibration and Science Element NASA Integrated Support Network Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs New Obligation Authority National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Net Primary Production NPOESS Preparatory Project National Research Council Near Real-Time Processing System National Satellite Operations Facility NASA Science Internet National Snow and Ice Data Center Ocean Biology Distributed Active Archive Center Ocean Biology Processing Group Ocean Color Data Processing System Orbiting Carbon Observatory OMI Dutch Processing System Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Office of Earth Science (Code Y) Open Geospatial Consortium Office of Human Capital Management
Acronym List OMAERO OMBRO OMCLDRR OMHCHO OMI OMIDAPS OMOCLO OMPS OMTO3 ORNL ORR PAD PALSAR PEATE PDR PDS PGEs PODAAC POP PPBE RAID RCN RDS REASon RF RFA RFP RIP ROSES RRR S4PA S4PM SAGE III SAN SAR SD3E SDPS SDS SEB SEDAC SI&T SIPS SLOC SMA SMAP OMI standard product (Aerosol product using the multi-wavelength algorithm) OMI standard product (Bromine Oxide) OMI standard product (Cloud Pressure and Fraction-Raman Scattering) OMI standard product (Formaldehyde) Ozone Monitoring Instrument Ozone Monitoring Instrument Data Processing System OMI standard product (Chlorine Oxide) Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite OMI standard product (Total Column Ozone) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (DAAC) Operations Readiness Review Precision Attitude Determination Phased Array L-band SAR Product Evaluation and Analysis Tool Element Preliminary Design Review Production Data Set Product Generation Executives Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center Period of Performance Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks Receipt Confirmation Notification Remote Data Storage Research, Education, and Applications Solutions Network Radio Frequency Request for Action Request for Proposal Retained Intermediate Product Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences Release Readiness Review Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processing Archive Single Scalable Script-based Science Processor-mission Stratospheric Aerosols and Gas Experiment Storage Area Network Synthetic Aperture Radar Science Data Distribution and Depository Science Data Processing Segment Science Data Segment Source Evaluation Board Socio-Economic Data and Applications Center (CIESIN) System Integration and Test Science Investigator-led Processing Systems Single Lines of Code Safety and Mission Assurance Soil Moisture Active Passive SNF SNPP SOMO SORCE SORR SOW SPoRT SRB SRR SSDO SSI&T SSR SST S/W SIMBIOS TADS TB TC IDEA TDRSS TES TIM TOTS TLM TRMM TRR TSDIS UPN UPS URS USGS VATC VIIRS WDS WGISS WIST WFF WSDL YTD Superior National Forest Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Space Operations Management Office Solar Radiation Climate Experiment Segment Operational Readiness Review Statement of Work Short-term Prediction & Research Transition system at MSFC Storage Resource Broker System Requirements Review Science System Development Office Science S/W Integration and Test Solid State Recorder Sea Surface Temperature Software Sensor Intercomparison and Merger for Biological and Interdisciplinary Oceanic Studies Terra and Ancillary Data Support Terabyte Tropical Cyclone Integrated Data Exchange and Analysis System Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Technical Interchange Meeting Transportable Orbital Tracking System Telemetry (subsystem) Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Test Readiness Review TRMM Science Data & Information System Unique Project Identifier Uninterruptible Power Supply User Registration System United States Geological Survey Verification and Acceptance Test Center Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite World Data System Working Group on Information Systems and Services Warehouse Inventory Search Tool Wallops Flight Facility Web Service Definition Language Year To Date