Linden Primary School Parents Meeting Year 3 Wednesday 14th September 2016
Staff Teachers Mrs Walker– Class 8 Miss Dunning– Class 7 Mrs Lee & Miss Jones – Class 9 Mrs Holborn (Intervention Teacher) PPA Time: Tuesday Afternoons Learning Partners Mrs Threadgill– Class 7 Mrs Wilding & Mrs White – Class 8 Miss Greenway & Mrs Toms – Class 9
Door Policy Doors open at 8.45am Drop your children off at the doors. If you wish to discuss an issue with the teacher, after school is always best! Please can you wait until all of the children have been dismissed.
A Typical Day 8.45: Children to enter school and complete Spelling, Thinking Skills or Mental Maths task. 9.00: Registration. 9.10-9.30: Phonics (for 6 weeks. This will change to daily GPaS sessions. 9.30-10.00: Guided Reading. 10.00-11.00: English 11.00-11.10: Fruit and Milk 11.10-11.25: KS2 Playtime 11.25-12.40: Maths 12.45-1.30: Lunch 1.30-3.00: Afternoon sessions 3.00-3.15: Story time 3.15: Home time.
Curriculum Autumn 1) ‘Bootcamp’: PSHE lead theme. Aiming to help the children to transition into Year 3, to develop themselves as individuals and help them to prepare for the Y3 Residential! 2) ‘Whizzpopping Wonders!’: English & Art lead theme. A theme which will immerse the children into the wonderful world of Roald Dahl.
P.E. Kit to be kept in school at all times. Stud ear-rings to be taken out or covered for P.E. Two sessions each week: Swimming on Tuesdays Outdoor PE on Thursdays.
Reading at home is part of Linden’s Homework Policy. Teaching and application of reading skills will be taught during English and in Guided Reading. Book bags to be returned everyday with reading books even if you haven't heard your child read, we may have 5 minutes to do it! Your child will be expected to read to an adult at school at least once a week. To encourage independence, your child is now responsible for changing their own books. Reading at home is part of Linden’s Homework Policy.
Homework Year 3 expectations: Reading: Remember to read 3 times a week & prizes and rewards you will seek! We must see an adult’s signature in the reading diary for EACH read completed. Reading record books are checked every Friday and must be in school every day! Your child will be asked to read during Friday playtime if they have not completed their 3 reads for the week. 20x reading for a bookmark 50x reading for a bronze award 100x reading for a silver award 150x reading for a gold award 200x reading for a platinum award
Homework Year 3 expectations: Spellings Spelling consolidation homework sent out each Friday. To be returned the following Friday. Homework Project Your child will be asked to complete one homework project during Year 3, linked to one of their themes. More details to follow.
Olympic Times Tables Challenge – Children need to LEARN and practice their tables!
Clothing Please make sure all clothing is labelled with both names. P.E kits to be kept in labelled bag. (black shorts, white t-shirt, black daps or trainers, black tracksuit for outdoor PE)
Milk and Fruit MILK Deliveries & orders are run by an outside agency. If your child would like a fruit snack in KS2, they must bring their own fruit to school. Children to take it out of their bags each morning and place into their drawer. Time constraints in KS2 do not allow for a long milk and fruit break. Usually, time will be found at the end of the last session, just before KS2 playtime. MILK Deliveries & orders are run by an outside agency. Free if your children are on free school dinners Forms available at the office Milk is paid for online….it takes 2-3 weeks to come through . The class teacher will send a message if your child thinks they should have milk BUT parents have to sort it out.
Year 3 Residential A time for the children to learn to foster their independence and practice their social skills ready for secondary school. Always an enjoyable experience rain or shine that leaves the children with memories that they will remember forever!
Parents Evening Two per year: Wednesday12th October and Thursday 13th October. Wednesday 29th March and Thursday 30th March. Come and see us to discuss your child's progress.
And finally …… Please don’t hesitate to come and see us if you have any concerns, suggestions or can offer any in help in school. Thank you Mrs Lee, Miss Jones, Mrs Walker & Miss Dunning.