Revision Tips For Mock Question 2, 3 and 4 ask you to : Explain two contrasting views…. Explain two reasons…… Give two ways…… Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society….. You could answer these questions as two short paragraphs or sentences. You could label your points 1 and 2 or use bullet points.
Revision Tips For Mark’s Gospel How to revise: Ensure you read and understand each piece of scripture given. For each story, learn the key symbolism, e.g. the links of the feeding of the 5,000 to Moses and the Old Testament. Make sure you know how the story is relevant for Christians today as well : what can it teach us? Try and ensure you are confident with two contrasting views, e.g. beliefs around the resurrection taking place as opposed to those who feel it isn't relevant or real. Ensure you know a quote or religious teaching for each topic (For the 5 mark question) – this needs to be a clear reference to Mark’s Gospel. If you use the story to develop your answer you will need an additional quote to get the bonus 5th mark. On occasion you will get asked for two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society – this means you need to reference a Christian view (the main British belief) with an alternative view, this can be atheist/Jewish/Islamic.
Revision Tips For Mock Question 2,3 and 4 ask you to : Explain two contrasting views…. Explain two reasons…… Give two ways…… Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society….. You could answer these questions as two short paragraphs or sentences. You could label your points 1 and 2 or use bullet points.
Revision Tips For Mock How to revise: Ensure when looking and examining beliefs around each topic, e.g. what we understand about the Genesis story that you can explain two similar and two contrasting (opposing) views to ensure you can answer each question. Ensure you know a quote or religious teaching for each topic (For the 5 mark question) – this needs to be a clear reference to Christian Beliefs e.g. ‘Grace is favour, the free and undeserved help that God give us’ (CCC) (Grace and the sacramental nature of reality). If you use the quote to develop your answer you will need an additional quote to get the bonus 5th mark. You may be asked for two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society – this means you need to explain a Christian view (the main British belief) with an alternative view, this can be another contrasting Christian belief / atheist/Jewish/Islamic. E.G the seven sacraments are important from a Christian point of view as….., however an atheist would argue…..
Question 5: the 12 mark question How to get into band 4 You need strong explanations on both sides of the argument. You need to show reasoned consideration of different points of view. Make sure there is sustained judgement throughout the essay – not just in the conclusion There must be clear reference to religious teachings throughout the essay – they must be specific and some will be from scripture but others could be from other sources of wisdom and authority. There must be a conclusion that brings the arguments together. Make sure this is not disjointed from the rest of the essay. Remember to use paragraphs.