Interacting with a Ferrocell® Observations of Light and Electromagnetism Interacting with a Ferrocell® Photos and movies by Timm A. Vanderelli and Michael Snyder, MS March 25, 2014
The Invention The Ferrocell® was conceived while I was searching for a quick and easy way to observe the magnetic component of a wireless power signal back in 2005. My knowledge and experience with Ferrohydrodynamic fluids gave rise to the idea that a magnetic field might be observed by passing light through an ultra-thin transparent layer of Ferrofluid, sandwiched between two sheets of glass and activated with magnetism. My early experiments proved the Ferrocell® was indeed a simple method in which to visualize the lowest potential of a magnetic field and I applied for a patent in 2006 (issued 2012).
Magnetostatic Test 2006 1.2 Tesla cube Neodymium magnet with black tape on top pole to reduce reflections. Magnet placed near rear face of Ferrocell® Back lit halogen light is scattered into one bright thin contour line up and one diffused contour line down.
Image from 2008 I was quite fascinated by the results of this experiment. A detailed examination convinced me we were seeing an unusual phenomenon. This side looks like it’s moving inward This side looks like it’s moving outward 2 T cylinder Neodymium magnet parallel to Ferrocell® backlit using a single incandescent lamp
Microscopic View into an Activated Cell: Helical Pairs 400x dark field photo by J.J. Shearer, 2008
Magnetostatic Deflection and Rotation Experiment 2009 Red 5mW laser passing through medium transparency Ferrocell® mounted in Plexiglas jig with adjustable brass magnet holders. Bottom three images show beam rotation. Two magnets No magnets No Deflection Deflection Magnet positions Distance between poles increases Beam Rotation 0-45-90 degrees Results
5 years later… I returned to my experiments, this time replacing static magnetic fields with slow moving electromagnetic fields. (slow enough so our eyes can detect movements). My challenge was to make this tiny event macro-sized for us to see with the naked eye. So, I create a sequence of four electromagnetic pulses 90 degrees apart and feed them into a high power, wide bandwidth audio amplifier. Next, I actuate four coils set at right angles to each other with the amplified signals. Each ‘deflection’ electromagnet has a single pole placed on the outer edges of a Ferrocell®. Light from a 5mW red laser passes through the activated Ferrocell® where the beam becomes scattered into the lowest potential of the applied magnetic field. Beam rotation occurs when the four electromagnetic deflection fields are pulsed in a 90 degree sequence of the same polarity and are equally balanced in strength. Light variations from the fiber optic cable ends are detected by phototransistors in the opto- sensor unit. These signals are amplified, conditioned and routed to four indicator LED’s plus four outputs to provide signals to drive another stage or an oscilloscope.
Electromagnetic Deflection Demonstrator Setup Power supply 4-ch Amplifier Signal Generator Opto-Sensor Unit Laser Controller & Deflection Unit Polarity Switches
Ferrocell® mounted in Deflection Unit 42mm medium transparency with 5mW laser head visible behind cell
Waveforms X-axis X-axis Y-axis Y-axis Phase-shifted Generator Output Opto Output This cartoon shows how laser actuates two X-axis sensors simultaneously as deflected beam rotates. Same occurs during pass by Y-axis sensors.
First Electromagnetic Deflection and Rotation Experiment 2014 Movie of green 5mW laser projected on white background in ambient daylight (Mouse-over and click to watch movie)
Green Laser Rotating 360 degrees on Axis Same as previous experiment, but projected in the dark (Mouse-over and click to watch movie)
Green Laser Rotating into Fiber End-plate Transmission mode operation using fiber end-plate on top of 75mm brass spacer resting on Ferrocell® (Mouse-over and click to watch movie)
Green Laser through Fiber Cable Ends Two fiber cables extending outward from deflection unit. Both fiber tips pulsing from X-axis deflection exhibits alternating output. (Mouse-over and click to watch movie)
Fiber Connector from Deflection Unit Plugs into opto-sensor unit for detection, amplification and shaping of X and Y axis deflected laser light.
Opto-Sensor and Wave-Shaping Unit X-axis 1 & 2, Y-axis 3 & 4 (vertical) (Mouse-over and click to watch movie)
the North Pole Rotation experiments performed utilizing the outer-most ring. Single white light at 45 degree angle. Front lit 100mm Ferrocell® Neodymium cylinder magnet pole against rear of cell. ‘Eye of Ellipse’ Photo by Michael Snyder, MS 2014
Potential Uses Laser Printers/Scanners Gates/Computing Multiplexing/Communications Displays Observing Magnetic Fields
Competitive Technologies Laser Scanner uses moving mirrors. LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) Currently limited to one or two degrees of freedom.
Your interest, comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to view this presentation. To arrange a live demonstration, please contact me. My presentation and demonstrator are only proof-of-concept. With the proper facilities, expertise and development, this exciting new technology will change the future of computing and communications. Your interest, comments and questions are greatly appreciated. Timm A. Vanderelli – Visit the website-