Xenia Mountrouidou (Dr. X) Denial of Service Xenia Mountrouidou (Dr. X)
Outline Start reserving your topology Learning Goals Audience Background Variations
Reserve topology Go to: https://goo.gl/OuDw8M Use RSpec http://mountrouidoux.people.cofc.edu/Cyb erPaths/files/DoS_RSpec.txt Normally this file should be saved with .xml extension Let’s look into an RSpec Change Clemson to some other aggregate
Learning Goals Apply IT components knowledge Produce network traffic Hypothesize about effects of network attack Create and analyze a network attack Use Wireshark, GENI
Audience Freshmen, Sophomores Non-CS and CS majors Some background work is needed
Background IT Components Computer Networks Command Line GENI DoS OVS
IT Components Have the students research: what is a workstation, what is a server, switch, router etc. Kahoot quiz on IT Components
Computer Networks Khan Academy Internet 101 Sans Cyber Aces Tutorials on Networking … and of course a Kahoot quiz
GENI & Command line GENI Command line class from code academy GENI map Simulation vs Emulation Programmable network Command line class from code academy In class demonstration and application of command line: navigating through folders, edit, copy, move.
What is Denial of Service? A computer network attack that is designed to deplete resources and prevent legitimate users from accessing a site Can target small and large businesses Traffic flood, large payloads sent slowly, amplification attack Resources: Memory CPU Bandwidth
Digital attack map
Computer Network Attacks Passive: Scanning, Reconnaissance Active: Distributed Denial of Service Spoofing Man in the middle
Denial of Service Lab for non-CS Majors Pre-installed topology ping - verification Iperf - performance Hping3 - DoS Hypothesis testing Experiments on GENI GENI: Virtual laboratory for networking and distributed systems research and education
DDoS TCP SYN Flood Insights: Traffic pattern Spoofed IPs Send Spoofed SYN Send SYN-ACK Resend SYN-ACK Attacker Server Spoofed Client Insights: Traffic pattern Spoofed IPs
Simulating Denial of Service Real machines Small network Attack traffic Regular internet traffic You control all these!
Variations GENI Desktop More than one attackers Analyze packets, find SYN
Questions? Let’s experiment!
Useful source: FYE Security 101 site: http://mountrouidoux.people.cofc.edu/fye_cysec/index.html