SHOTS TEST OVERVIEW 3 teams Each person gets a list of shots Shots must be recorded by each person in order Can do it as many times as it takes to get a good one; delete bad ones Use people as “actors” Each shot worth 5 points. 6 shots x 5 = 30 Shots should be composed correctly, be stable, have smooth motion, follow all of our composition rules Keep cheesy action movie trailers in mind when acting
SHOTS TEST GOALS Make sure you understand terminology & how to set up shots we’ve discussed Get used to doing multiple takes of the same thing Make sure all shots are composed well, practiced, controlled, and steady Work together & direct your actors Use creativity to come up with other interesting, cool angles to add to your list of shots Be silly & have fun
THEN WHAT? Shots will be used to edit a mock movie trailer in the style of a cheesy, unoriginal, big-budget movie They’re eye-catching, fast-paced, loud, packed with one- liners, have stock/cliché characters, tough guys, somewhat random / without distinguishable story Cliché?
TRAILER Trailer Why? Exactly 30 seconds Can use any shots from our whole class Must include at least 10 shots Must include at least 3 audio tracks (including a VO) Must include at least 3 titles Why? Understand basics of Premiere layout & editing video / audio Learn computer network, downloading & organizing clips Learn basics of fast pacing, working with lots of clips Because it’s fun and funny
ORGANIZE SHOTS AS A GROUP INDIVIDUALLY Go to computer Download all of your clips from camera to collaborative storage > video production 1 > shared > Mock Movie Trailer Shots Make a folder for each group member in the collaborative storage folder mentioned above INDIVIDUALLY Go to computer, go to your individual folder Find only the 6 that were required / you want graded Change each file names to “LASTNAME – 1—2 Word Description” ie. SMITH – Dutch Dolly
TRAILER (again) Trailer Why? Exactly 30 seconds Can use any shots from our whole class Must include at least 10—15 shots (from class; explosions don’t count) Must include at least 3 audio tracks (including either VO or SFX) Must include at least 2-3 titles Why? Understand basics of Premiere layout & editing video / audio Learn computer network, downloading & organizing clips Learn basics of fast pacing, working with lots of clips Because it’s fun and funny
GRADING _/50 FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS ___ / 20 Exactly 30 seconds Uses at least 10—15 shots (from class; explosions don’t count) At least 2 titles / graphics At least 3 audio tracks Music Either VO or sound FX VARIETY / CREATIVITY ___ / 20 Varied shot types & quick pacing Shots flow well together / makes some sense SKILL ___ / 10 Edits are precise / nothing unnecessarily long or short Audio mixed well and contributes to story
MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS MUSIC (royalty free / instrumental) SOUND EFFECTS