What is a hybrid course and is it for you? Andrew Olson Teaching & Learning Center August 18, 2015 Adapted from Molly Baker’s presentation.
BHC Hybrid Definition A hybrid class is a class that combines traditional classroom instruction with one or more alternative learning experiences to completely fulfill course objectives. Black Hawk College defines a hybrid class as a section that meets [in the classroom] at least 50% of the time but less than 100% of the time; the remaining class time involves structured learning activities that may include (but are not limited to) field work, online instruction, field trips, and extended projects. *BHC’S guidelines were written by us (not in line with the rest of the industry necessarily).
Hybrid Learning: What is it? Hybrid vs. Face-to-face/traditional Hybrid vs. Web-assisted or Web-enhanced Hybrid vs. Online Hybrid vs. Blended Are we already doing this at BHC?
Hybrid Learning: Pros and Cons Why now? Why at BHC? Potential assets to students, faculty, support staff? Why not? Potential challenges for students, faculty, student support staff? Particular courses or content areas especially suited for hybrid, F2F, web-enhanced or online?
Highlights: Lessons Learned “Before, during and after” connected across modalities (not = to homework) What is best use of face-to-face time? Role of instructor in online portion of the course: facilitate, coach, monitor progress, be “present” Online elements designed around how learners read online: 79% of Web readers SCAN Online elements designed around what keeps learners on task: more about engagement than content
Hybrid Models By regular week (e.g., M+W-F) Online + F2F lab By every other/third evening or Saturday weekly By 8-weeks or 4 on, 4 off repeating Full 3 up front, then monthly Irregular How does this impact scheduling?
One Hybrid Course Example F2F: demo, practice with feedback, discussion, lab Online: core concepts, theory via: Readings with online discussion Tutorials with quizzes and feedback Narrated PPTs with application scenarios in discussion board Games/puzzles for review, drill & practice Instructor provides context, guidance, challenge, monitoring, online presence.
Second Hybrid Course Example F2F: core concepts, theory actively reviewed and applied through group project working sessions, such as to analyze and propose solutions to authentic problems; create artifacts that display learning; propose ethical, informed decisions Online: supporting tools and resources via Help, FAQ, glossary Job aids, rubrics, templates, concept maps Artifacts, images, “show me” video demo’s, audio clips Learning objects, past students’ projects Resource links Collaborative spaces for group work