OUTLINE Introduction Grid System Disadvantage of grid system What is Hybrid Micro-Grid Advantage Of Hybrid Micro-Grid
INTRODUCTION Increasing Power Demand Unable to reach in Rural area Long Transmission Distance Failure of Grid System Fuel crises
Grid System An electrical grid is set up depends on factors such as topology, geography and the level of grid interaction for an area. Types of Grid System Radial Mesh Looped (Parallel path flow)
Disadvantage of Grid System Low Efficiency Complex Design Limitation on long distance Transmission Blackout Due to Grid Failure High Transmission Losses Low Controllability Low Stability
What Is Hybrid Micro-Grid A group of interconnected loads and distributed generation sources within a clearly defined electrical boundary that acts as a single controllable entity. Micro-grids themselves are not new, as diesel and gas generator sets have been sold for several decades to power remote applications. These systems are continuously becoming more fuel-efficient as engine combustion and generator technologies improve.
Need Of Hybrid Micro-Grid Micro-grid could be answer to energy crises Transmission loss highly reduced Micro-grid result in substantial saving Reduce CO2 emission Provide High quality and reliable energy supply to critical loads
INTERCONNECTED MICRO-GRID Practical size of micro-grid is limited to few MVA For larger loads, it is desirable to interconnect many micro-grids to form larger Micro-grid network called as Power Parks The advantages of this Micro-grid structure insure greater stability and controllability for Power Parks
Micro-grid Operating Mode Grid Connected Mode Utility grid is active Static switch is closed All grids are being supplied by utility grid
Micro-grid Operating Mode Island Connected Mode Utility grid is not supplying power Static switch is open Feeder A,B & C are supplied by micro source Feeder D is Dead
Advantages Of Hybrid Micro-Grid Renewable Energy Sources Energy Storage System Integration Low Operating Cost Compensate Fluctuation Low Fuel Cost
Significant Environmental Benefits Prevent Utility Grid Failure Use to supply electricity to Tropical Island Low operational cost due to short Transmission Distance Reserved Energy Storage