The Chaser By John Collier
Using the Pheromone Costs Benefits Create this chart in your notebook and record your answers as you discuss.
Discuss and Answer the Prompt Below You’ve heard that there is a new pheromone based perfume available on the black market. If you wear it around someone for an extended period and you are alone with them, they will begin to become delirious and think they are in love with you. You know you can get some of this stuff. Discuss and list the costs and benefits of buying and using such a perfume for your upcoming date with someone you really like but who isn’t really returning your affection. What would you do?
Journal Is having freedom to choose part of a good relationship?
Read the first eight paragraphs of the story What is your initial impression of Alan? Why do you think he is here in this apartment on Pell Street? Why is the old man unnamed? What do you think it is that he does?
Read to the bottom of the first page Why do you think the old man keeps talking about the “cleaning fluid”? Why is this so much more expensive? How does this demonstrate new information about the old man and his potions?
Finish the story (Discuss with a partner or small group) How is this story about relationships? What points are being made about the theme of relationships and ways of relating to each other? What will happen between Alan and Diana after the story ends? What does this show about the nature of good relationships? Is this what the author wants us to think? Do we agree with him?
Writing Prompt 4A If your last name begins with A through M, you will write a diary entry as Diana, six weeks after the story. Begin with “I don’t know what has happened to me . . .” If your last name begins N through Z, you will be Alan. You will write a letter to the old man. Start with “I don’t know what has gone wrong.”
Writing Prompt 4B If your last name begins with A through K, you will write a diary entry as Diana, six weeks after the story. Begin with “I don’t know what has happened to me . . .” If your last name begins L through Z, you will be Alan. You will write a letter to the old man. Start with “I don’t know what has gone wrong.”
Partner Discussion Read your journal entries to each other. How well do these entries fit together? Do you agree about the probable events that take place after the story? What do these entries reveal about what makes or breaks relationships?