TS2 preparatory meeting A.Tauro
TS2 preparatory meeting General information LHC-TS2: from Mon Sept 18th at 6:00 AM to Wed Sept 20th at 17:00 Planning: RP check: Mon 8:30 - 9:00 Adam Keep both magnets ON until Mon 9:00 AM (CTP B field measurement) Access: from Mon at 9:00 to Wed 16:00 Access mode: automatic restricted (with token) 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting Access restrictions Underground lift (AS-724) maintenance Wed 20th from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM NO access to triplets area (ADC) 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting Detector activities 1/3 TPC: Fix partition C10 RP4 Exchange one Wiener LV PS Check netgear switches Measure some distances on TPC A and C side TPC (laser): Tue PM and Wed Diagnose and fix problem with Laser 2. I do not know what the problem is, so I can not be more specific. We will need to run the laser if we can, but the work will be limited to the laser hut Alignment of Laser 1 - in order to possibly improve the amount of laser light in the TPC. This will take 1-2 hours where we will shoot into the TPC. With all pipes in place, this should not interfere with other work concerting safety. TPCU: install new IROC (Miniframe) + displace RADMON (with Arturo) TRD: Manual power-cycle of PSU of TRD, test TRD CRU 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting Detector activities 2/3 EMC/DCA: Replace ~15 FECs that we initially planed to do during ~5 days (when the TS2 was not shortened) + to replace 1 TRU that broke recently . Would be good if we could get access during all possible slots (or as many slots as possible). ITS: SDD: replace a couple of faulty LV boards with spares, in order to send them to be repaired. Visual inspection of the SDD cooling plant. SSD: access to SSD electronics and cooling verification MCH: Fix some bus patches in ST2 We will also profit of the TS2 to look better for SOLAR crates, LVPS …for the future upgrade MTG: Inspection leaky chamber (need nacelle, O-side) – Mon AM from 9:00 to 10:00 Check FEE in MT11-Inside, need nacelle whole Monday PM (start at 14:00) 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting Detector activities 3/3 T0: Access to C34-C33 for investigation problem with laser system and T0 electronics. Access to FIT-A detector prototype (T0 upgrade) - miniframe TOF: check connections in crate 7 (SM01, C-side) and check cooling pipes in SM08, C-side. PHOS: reconnection of TRU card Work will be performed inside the L3 magnet, in the C-side area rack C05, in racks A16, A17with PHOS and CPV low-voltage power supplies, in the PHOS cooling plant at A-side ACORDE: (3 hours max, anytime) Basic maintenance to Main Electronics AD: (2 days, starting Monday at 9:30 AM) Rerouting of HV cables on the detector side, remounting of HV connectors after adjusting cable length. Need nacelle. Complete the clean up in CR4, remounting connector after adjusting cable length. Re-check light leaks on C-Side 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting EN-CV SPD: leak detection HMPID: - TRD: check of the flowmeter on screen side (transparent) SSD/SDD: filling + check of the differential pressure transmitter on the mixed water side (transparent) TOF/PHOS: check of the water treatment (transparent) TPC FEEC & rod: - RP analysis foreseen only on TOF/PHOS 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
L3 access Watcher in bold Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri AM shift (8:00 – 12:30) PM shift (13:30 – 18:00) 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting DCS Monday morning we will do the usual backup of all WinCC projects. All projects will be stopped and restarted. This implies that most of the morning DCS will not be available. We do not plan to install any patches or upgrades. We will wait to start the intervention until the magnets are down. Then, as usual, we suggest Run Coordination to reserve some time to make a full cycle (supersafe - safe - ready - safe) with all detectors before first beam; just to avoid any bad surprises. 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting
TS2 preparatory meeting Other activities EN-EL: install anti-fouine system TE-VSC: close/open manual valve Miniframe (Mon 10:00 and Wed 14:00 respectively) M.Brice: 360deg photos from A and C-sides (Wed?) P2 tech: check LV cables inside L3 Arturo+G.Canale: define routing LS2 cables Put fences (ENGIE) Presentation of the ALICE caverns for CERN new fire-fighters (Tue) EN-HE: maintenance UX25 crane 15/9/17 TS2 preparatory meeting