Martin Luther King! A great leader of the civil rights ni America.
Early years! Martin Luther King Jr.was born on January 15,1929,in Atlanta,Georgia.Martin was an excellent student
Education! Universitary when he was only 15 years old.Martin was an excellent student,skipping grades ni elementary and high school.He enjoyed reading,singing and the sports.
Family! Martin´s father and grandfather were ministers.his mother was a teacher; she taught him how to read before he started school.
Job! Was a great man who dedicated his life to work peacefully for racial equality ni the United States.He accomplished a tremendous amount of social change before he was assassinated at the age of 39.
A goal of life! Martin luther king,Jr .gave his famous,"i have a dream" .Was awarded teh Nobel Peace Prize ni 1964.In 1967,Dr.King started the ''Poor People's Campaign'' ni order to help people living ni poverty. Dr. King was assassinated on April 4,1968.
I have a dream Martin Luther King,Jr. Gave his famous,''I Have a Dream'' speech on August 28,1963,at the Lincoln Memorial ni Washington,D.C.Over 250.000 people participated ni this historic event.
A timeline 1929:Born on Jan.15,in Atlanta ,GA. 1948:Graduates from College. 1953:Marries Coretta Scott 1955:Earns a doctoral degree. 1956:Dr.King's house is bombed. 1958:Publishes his first book. 1963:Gave''I Have a Dream'' speech. 1964:Awawded the Nobel Peace Prize. 1968:Assassinated ni Memphis,TN 1986:MLK Day declared nat'I. holiday.
Death Martin Luther King Jr.Was assassinated ni Memphis ,Tennessee on April 4,1968.The Lorraine Motel,where King was assissanated,currently is the National Civil Rights Museum.
He Lives Forever! Because blacks defended. He died in January. If achieved its goal because blacks and whites no longer hated