of Key population living with HIV to HIV Treatment. Ensuring The Rights of Key population living with HIV to HIV Treatment. By: Lusia Ang Head of Provincial Pharmacy Warehouse, Papua Provincial Health Office - Indonesia
“No Conflicts of Interest to Declare” Conflict of Interest “No Conflicts of Interest to Declare”
PAPUA PROVINCE v Map of Indonesia
Estimated HIV prevalence is 2,3% (IBBS 2013) in general population (Papua Province). Categorized as low level generalized epidemy. PWID – 41% (IBBS 2011) FSW – 10% (IBBS 2011) MSM – 8% (IBBS 2011)
The challenge for key population is to access HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and care services where they live in resource-poor settings and have these services be free from stigma and discrimination.
PLHIV and ART Yosefina (not her real name): Diagnosed HIV+ 2013 and started treatment at Puskesmas (health care center) Stopped treatment after 3 months because of fear of being stigmatized Lack of confidentiality at Puskesmas and discrimination within the community
Now Puskesmas offers stigma-free services which helped her get back on treatment. “during my regular health center visits I discuss with HCWs about importance of treating clients, reagent for testing and medications so clients are treated well to ensure they come back. We don’t want any client to suffer like Yosefina did because of unfriendly services” Me and my team!
My recommendations to fight stigma and discrimination in health care setting For government staff: Whatever role you have, always talk to colleagues about addressing stigma and discrimination of PLHIV For patients: be brave, form a peer group and talk to us about your concern so we can improve our performance For donors: assist us in designing program that will allow feedback system integrated in health facility For clinic staff: be open mind, listen to feedback and improve our services, always have high motivation to be the best clinic