User Guide for „MB PartsCAT“ Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann TE/SPM Stuttgart, April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Table of contents 2 Parts information 1 Basic information and registration 3 Creating a catalog 4 Handling existing catalogs Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 1: Basic information and registration on MB PartsCAT Basic information on MB PartsCAT Access the XENTRY Portal to login to MB PartsCAT How to define specific language settings Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 1: Basic information on MB PartsCAT Via MB PartsCAT, spare part catalogs can be created for customers. Moreover, product benefits, properties and images can be used for marketing support. The home screen contains the two important categories: Parts information and Catalog creation. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 1: Access the XENTRY Portal to login to MB PartsCAT Access the Xentry Portal via the Link: Login by using your User ID and the Web Password. Once successfully registered, the "MB PartsCAT" application appears in the list of applications on the home screen of the Xentry Portal. New MB PartsCAT users can get registered by contacting the MB PartsCAT team. Please send the completed Excel file to Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 1: How to define specific language settings Via the “Personal settings” category, the user can configure the content language and the application language. Once selected, these settings are saved for further work to be conducted. Return to the home screen by clicking on the „MB PartsCAT Home“ button. 1 2 2 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 2: Parts information How to search for specific parts How to use the search results / filter option Overview of the most important information about part numbers Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 2: How to search for specific parts Search for Designation "Wiper" Search for Folder “Filter” Search for Part number "A9438106016“ Search for Model series "930“ The "Parts inquiry" field on the MB PartsCAT home screen can be used to search for specific parts. Possible search parameters are: - Part numbers (without spaces) - Designations - Model series elements - Folders. When entering the search parameter, the search is conducted as a "LIKE" search, e.g. you enter “943" for part number "A9438106016". It is not possible to link different search parameters. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 2: How to use the search results / filter option Conduct a search for the model series „mirror“ As in the example search for model series “mirror", several results may be returned for a specific search term. To restrict the search, the filter buttons, framed by the red rectangle, can be used. The user can reduce the number of results using the filters - Part number - Designation - Category - Model series - Folder - Version and - Language. In the example here, the result is filtered in the next step using the “Curb mirror" designation. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 2: Overview of the most important information about part numbers 1 2 Selection of a part number 1 Standard procedure: Selecting the Print symbol provides the user with an overview of all relevant information about the part number. Detailed application: Clicking on the part number opens the detail view for the relevant component which is explained on the following slides. 2 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 2: Overview of the most important information about part numbers The most important information on a part number After selecting the part number, a window opens that contains all information for the component Navigate through the information section by using the tabs Description, Model series, Images, Benefit arguments and Documents. A folder structure is located on the left hand-side, divided up according to - category - strategic product segment - product group and - parts family. This folder structure can also be used to select a part number for the detail view. 1 2 1 2 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 2: Overview of the most important information about part numbers The most important information on a part number The print view symbol is located here. Return to the home screen by clicking on the „MB PartsCAT Home“ button. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: Creating a catalog How to create a new catalog How to generate catalog links & how to download it How to differentiate between print-quality and online-quality How to generate a price list Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog 1 4 2 3 Catalog creation mode 1 2 3 4 The user can create a new catalog in the Catalog creation mode. To create a new catalog, click on the “My catalogs” folder. Clicking on the & symbol opens the pop-up window “Create new catalog”. In that window, the user has to enter a specific name for the catalog and the required catalog language can be selected. This is confirmed by “Continue”. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog Catalog creation mode The catalogs are assigned to the respective creator, and they cannot be viewed by other users in the creation mode. In this section, different layout options can be chosen regarding page numbering and the color of the table of contents, parts list and index. Not choosing the black option implies that the pages will appear in white. It is possible to change these layout settings afterwards. The catalog creation is continued with the button “Put together catalog pages”. 5 6 5 5 6 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog 1 Put together catalog pages On the left-hand side, the user can see a preview of all catalog pages that are already released and available for catalog creation. The filter function and the search field can be used to restrict the number of pages according to category and page type. Notice: the MB parts catalog is currently mainly focused on the categories „Trucks“ and „Truck accessories“. Other categories will be implemented gradually. 1 Category Page type Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog An enlarged view of the preview pages is shown via Q. 2 Put together catalog pages 2 To compile a catalog, the required pages on the left-hand side are marked and then placed onto the right-hand side on the grey bar between two pages by drag and drop with the mouse. As soon as the grey bar turns blue, the page can be dropped to add it to the catalog. A change to the page sequence in the right-hand side section can be made by dragging the marked page onto the grey bar at the required position. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog Put together catalog pages In this example, the filter is used to restrict the number of pages on the left side to only „Cover pages“. By drag and drop, the cover pages can be added to the catalog and placed into the required position at the right hand side. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog Put together catalog pages After the cover pages, please change the filter to the page type „With parts information“. The drag and drop procedure is repeated to add catalog pages containing parts information. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog Put together catalog pages By selecting „Filling pages“, the catalog can be complemented with advertising pages. The filling pages can also be used to meet the requirements regarding the number of pages. In order to generate the catalog for the print shop at the end, the page number must be divisible by four. Otherwise, the number of pages is not relevant. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017 Titel der Präsentation in 9 pt CorpoS Regular | Abteilung | Datum
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog Put together catalog pages 1 A table of contents, parts list or index can be added to the catalog by marking the corresponding field with . Apart from this, blank white / black S pages can be added by clicking on the symbols. E.g. for the internal side of the cover, a black page looks more appealing. The pages are added at the end of the selection. The position can be changed by drag and drop. Please be aware of the blue bar in the process. 1 2 2 3 3 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog There are two possibilities to get an overview of the catalog compilation: Detail view Preview 1 Put together catalog pages 2 1 2 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to create a new catalog „Close“ Clicking on the X will close the selection without saving it. Using “Save” enables the selection to be saved in the meantime. After that, the selection can be continued. Put together catalog pages „Save & Close“ „Save“ After completing the creation process, the “Save & Close” button will save and close the completed selection. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to generate catalog links & how to download it Before generating the catalog, the user can choose between different layout options again. “Availability of catalog in days" can be used to configure how long the online link should be available. Important: After this time has elapsed, the forwarded links will become invalid. However, the catalog remains in the folder and can be regenerated anytime. To end the creation process click “Generate catalog” to finalize the catalog. Remember: The number of catalog pages for a printed catalog must be divisible by four in case the catalog should be handed to a print shop for a premium version of the catalog. If necessary, use the button “Put together catalog pages” again to return to the selection of the pages and continue the compilation. 1 4 2 3 1 3 2 "Preview" can be used to download the catalog as a PDF file. 4 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to differentiate between print-quality and online-quality After generating the catalog, the user has the choice between several versions: Show the catalog in the form of a link for email distribution to a print shop containing the copied link (version with crop marks). The print shop can download the catalog as a PDF document. Purpose: generating a high quality catalog as digital print or offset print in a large print run for customer distribution Important: The online availability depends on the specified temporal availability of the catalog. Due to the high quality, a longer loading time can be expected at the print shop. Download the catalog as a PDF document for local printer (version without crop marks) Purpose: hand-over at customer visits and at parts delivery to customers for email attachment Purpose: the PDF catalog can be printed by the customer to save it on a data medium (USB stick/CD) and hand over to a print shop (version with crop marks) Purpose: generating a high quality catalog as digital print or offset print in a large print run for customer distribution for email distribution to the customers containing the copied link (version without crop marks) Purpose: appealing online flip catalog with download option Important: The online availability depends on the specified temporal availability of the catalog. The loading time depends on the size of the catalog and the network connection. 1. Standard procedure (normal quality) Show the catalog as a online flip catalog for personal view; clicking on the button will open the link in the same browser page. Purpose: quality check before distribution or print 2. Print shop (high quality) Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to differentiate between print-quality and online-quality After generating the catalog, the user has the choice between several versions: Select „Delete catalog files“ to delete the generated catalog files. The catalog itself remains and can be found under “My catalogs”. The generated links sent by email will not be available anymore. Select “Download parts list” to receive the parts in the form of an excel file for the catalog. This step is relevant if the button “Preisliste generieren” is not active for your country. In this case, you can add your prices in the excel file manually. Select „Create price list“ to get a list with the specific list prices of your country for all parts numbers included in the catalog. This is only possible for centrally managed country list prices. This will be explained on the following slide. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to generate a price list After clicking on the button “Create price list”, a pop-up window will open where the user can decide whether to include the value-added tax and to print with crop marks. Continue again with the button “Create price list” A PDF file with the price list will open. It is recommended to save the document. Print the price list for customer visits to use it at the Point of Sale in the form of a paper version. Send the PDF file as an attachment together with the link from the parts catalog in order to inform the customers by email. Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 4: Handling existing catalogs How to use the public catalogs provided by the headquarters How to access previously created catalogs by the user Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 3: How to use the public catalogs provided by the headquarters 1 Beside the possibility to create a new catalog, the user has access to the public catalogs provided by the headquarters which can be found in the folder “Public catalogs”. In order to use the public catalog, it must be renamed and saved together with the other catalogs. To do so, use the button “Duplicate catalog”. The catalog is then copied into the folder “My catalogs” and can be modified by adding or removing pages. 1 2 2 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Chapter 4: How to access previously created catalogs 1 In order to access and edit the own catalogs, the user can find all existing catalogs under the category “My catalogs”. To delete existing catalogs, mark the relevant catalog by clicking on it and remove it with the symbol. The symbol indicates the availability of the previously selected catalog pages. If the page is not available anymore, e.g. due to a change of a part number, the symbol will appear. In this case, a new catalog page has been generated. Select the button “Put together catalog pages” in order to remove or replace the respective page. 1 2 4 2 - 3 3 4 Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017
Enjoy working with the Mercedes-Benz PartsCAT! Martin Burkard, Lisa Hoffmann | TE/SPM | April 2017