The Natural Regions of Texas
The geography of Texas may be divided into four natural REGIONS. What is a region?????????
Texas History What is a Region? REGION (n): a very large area of land that is unified by one or more common characteristics or features
The Mountains and Basin REGION has a hot and ARID climate that is sparsely populated.
It is a rugged area in far west Texas along the border to Mexico between the Pecos and Rio Grande Rivers.
It has the highest ELEVATION in the state with seven mountains over one mile high.
Fresh drinking water is limited but petroleum, natural gas, and mineral resources are abundant.
The Natural Regions of Texas Great Plains
The GREAT PLAINS REGION is a “sea of grass” that stretches from the northern to southern border.
It has FERTILE soil covered with wild grasses and fields of grain.
The amazing Palo Duro Canyon gave shelter to early Native Americans.
Palo Duro means hardwood in Spanish which is where it gets its name Palo Duro means hardwood in Spanish which is where it gets its name. There are many hardwood trees in the area of Palo Duro Canyon
The Natural Regions of Texas North Central Plains
The North Central Plains is a wide, cliff-bound REGION that has hills and valleys with a low population.
The EASTERN part of the Rolling Plains are suitable for livestock and growing many useful crops because of its higher level of rainfall.
The Natural Regions of Texas Coastal Plains
The Coastal Plains is the largest geographical REGION and includes the entire coastline of the Gulf of Mexico.
More people live in this REGION than in the entire state.
The Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and other man-made waterway's connect Texas trade to the southeastern coast.