Walk This Way, Talk This Way! How Social Media is Being Used to Communicate & Connect in Delaware Presented by Delaware Office of Highway Safety Lisa Flowers Community Relations & Public Information Officer May 2016 Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
EVERYONE is talking about it. Source: DelawareOnline.com and WMDT47 Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Pedestrian Fatalities - Answering the WHY Nationally, a new focus Information, case studies, surveys, etc., is limited. Pedestrian Survey Launching next week Used data to select routes Survey will help us: Create better education and enforcement outreach Create better infrastructure (sidewalks, bus stops, etc.) Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Starting a New Conversation Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
What We’re Doing Enforcement - Continuing the Conversation Launched based on cumulative data of where pedestrian injuries/fatalities have happened Able to use up-to-date data to quickly target problem areas Source: NBC10 Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
What We’re Doing Education We need to learn more – Pedestrian Survey Corporate partners Growing – adding new members In the field engagement Colleges and universities Other sporting events Hispanic community 4th – 12th grade Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Conversations in the Community Walk Smart . Arrive AliveDE. Campaign Campaign message was relatable on a personal level to Wesley students Last year a student lost her life to a pedestrian related accident Light-up buttons Cornhole game paired with Fatal vision goggles Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
@DelStateUniv event with our marketing partner: Used social media to promote our presence as well as impairment tests/games Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
More Conversations on Social Media Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
What We’re Doing (cont’d) Paid media Radio, TV, digital, print, outdoor, social media DE Advisory Council on Walkability & Pedestrian Awareness Addressing pedestrian safety Members include: Law enforcement Service agencies State agencies Community advocates Twitter chats – NEW and Coming Soon! Distracted driving Impaired driving Pedestrian safety Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
More Convos on Social Media Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Conversations on Traditional Media Flyers and posters Door hangers Ads on buses and Jolly Trolley Lifeguard stands Social media Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Conversations with Other States Partnering with Ocean City – An exceptional program recognized nationally by GHSA. Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Conversations with Corporate Partners Corporate Partners’ Meeting Spring 2016 Education Outreach Educational materials Facebook Group – NEW! Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Ideas Start a Facebook or LinkedIn group Let the conversation begin! Positions you or your org as a leader Educate and inform Builds trust and rapport Promote events Invite community leaders Group members can help Develop new ideas Share your message Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Source: TheStar.com Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Continuing the Conversation Online Using Twitter Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Areas of Continued Work Increasing education Teaching the community the dangers of: Walking under the influence of drugs or alcohol Not being visible at night Wear reflective clothing and carrying a flashlight Not using a cross-walk Walking while distracted (texting or using the phone) Multi-component intervention Community led mobilization Adjusting strategies as laws change Continuing the conversation throughout Delaware! Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Office of Highway Safety Additional Resources Join our online conversations! @ArriveAliveDE on Facebook and YouTube @DEHighwaySafe on Twitter and Instagram Office of Highway Safety www.ohs.delaware.gov National Highway Traffic Safety Association http://www.nhtsa.gov/Pedestrians http://www.nhtsa.gov/Bicycles Governors Highway Safety Association www.ghsa.org AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety http://midatlantic.aaa.com/Foundation/CommunityPrograms/PedestrianSafety http://midatlantic.aaa.com/Foundation/CommunityPrograms/BicycleSafety Resources for more information on traffic safety. Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743
Walk Smart. Arrive Alive DE. Drive Safe. Arrive Alive! Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us (302) 744-2743 Lisa.Flowers@state.de.us Delaware Office of Highway Safety (302) 744-2743