Interreg Baltic Sea Region: Introduction to the Programme Mobilisation conference for Interreg B and C programmes in Norway Oslo | 16 Mar 2017 Elena Kolosova, Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat
Interreg Baltic Sea Region 11 countries... ...strengthen the integrated territorial development and cooperation for a more innovative, better accessible and sustainable Baltic Sea Region… … through transnational cooperation projects in the area. Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Programme budget European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 263.8 million Norwegian national funding: EUR 6 million Russian national funding: EUR 4.4 million European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI): EUR 8.8 million Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Project partners At least three partners from three different countries Lead partner principle Types of partners: National, regional and local authorities Sectoral agencies and public service providers Higher education and research institutions Business support organisations NGOs Private for profit partners Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Targeted support & EUSBSR forums Priorities and Objectives Transport Interoperability Accessibility Maritime Safety Shipping Urban mobility Natural resources Clear waters Renewable energy Energy efficiency Blue growth EU strategy support Seed money Support of PACs & HACs Targeted support & EUSBSR forums Innovation Research & innovation infrastructures Smart specialisation Non- technological innovation
Important features of a successful project Clearly define: Gaps and/or opportunities Target groups and their needs Develop practical solutions, not focus on research Test solutions Involve target groups in developing and testing Embed developed solutions into existing frameworks/ strategies/ programmes Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Call 1 results: approved projects Innovation 12 projects approved Natural resources 13 projects approved Transport 10 projects approved Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Call 1 results: Number of project partners per type of organisation Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Projects with Norwegian participation 1/2 Priority 1 Innovation CM: Cross Motion BSR Stars S3: Stimulating smart specialization ecosystem through engaging SMEs in open innovation processes BaltSe@nioR: Innovative solutions to support BSR enterprises in product development aimed at raising comfort and safety of seniors home living Priority 2 Natural Resources DAIMON: Decision Aid for Marine Munitions Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Projects with Norwegian participation 2/2 Priority 3 Transport Green Cruise Port: Sustainable Development of Cruise Port Locations EnviSuM: Environmental Impact of Low Emission Shipping: Measurements and Modelling Strategies Scandria®2Act: Sustainable and Multimodal Transport Actions in the Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor TENTacle: Capitalising on TEN-T core network corridors for prosperity, growth and cohesion Go LNG: LNG Value Chain for Clean Shipping, Green Ports and Blue Growth in Baltic Sea Region Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Call 2: timeline Call closed: 17 January 2017 Decision: 23-24 May 2017 Norwegian participation: 18 partners in 13 proposals requesting EUR 2.3 million Norwegian funding left: sufficient for 3rd call Call 2 step 2: 71 proposals NO funding available after call1: 4.3 Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Call 3 for applications 1/2 Open: Autumn 2017 Type: one or two-step approach (to be decided) Focus: might expect particularly encouraged topics Smart specialisation Renewable energy Energy efficiency Blue growth Accessibility Urban mobility … Topics: 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 3.4 (blue growth), 3.2, 3.5 Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Call 3 for applications 2/2 Duration: up to 36 months Co-financing rate: Norwegian partners 50% Important: involve “users of the project results” as partners: e.g. public authorities, sectoral and business support agencies Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Support to applicants Website Project idea consultations By Secretariat (office, phone, skype) once the call is open Partner search on LinkedIn Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Interreg Baltic Sea Region: Introduction to the Programme Elena Kolosova Project Officer Managing Authority/ Joint Secretariat Phone: +371 28302245 E-mail:
Expectations towards applying projects Describe the gaps/opportunities to be tackled; Clearly define target groups; Clearly describe their needs; Focus on development of practical solutions, but not on research; Clearly describe solutions to be developed and test them; Involve target groups in developing and testing; Embed developed solutions into existing frameworks/strategies/ programmes, but do not provide stand-alone measures; Ensure solutions are institutionalised by target groups. Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Second seed money call Timeline: Autumn 2017 Type: preparing a main project contributing to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Note: cooperation with coordinators of policy areas and horizontal actions of EUSBSR Duration: 12 months Budget: EUR 50,000 Co-financing rate: 85% Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017
Call for project platforms Timeline: Autumn 2017 Type: cooperation of projects in a selected field + relevant stakeholders Topics: within main Programme priorities Innovation, Natural Resources and Transport Duration: up to 48 months Budget: EUR 300.000 – 1 million Mobilisation conference, Oslo | 16 March 2017