Applying the IPDE Process Identify Open and closed zone Line of sight restrictions Other users Traffic signs and signals Roadway Features and Conditions Predict Actions of Others Speed Direction Control Decide Change/Maintain Speed Change/Maintain Steering Communicate with Others Combine Actions Execute Use smooth, deliberate actions to carry out your plan. Identify – Prevent yourself from getting trapped in and be aware of distracted drivers (increase following distance) Predict – search for slower moving traffic, drivers changing lanes, anticipate closed zones, conflicts near entrances and exits Decide – remember last second decisions are more dangerous Execute – change lane position if necessary to increase space cushion and give escape route
Lane Choice Safer to drive on right and pass on left. Safest lane? Depends on situation but usually still the right lane Approaching entrances – move to center to avoid conflicts Avoid passing on the right whenever possible Reversible lanes HOT/HOV Lanes Speed limit and Common Speed Reserve center and left lanes for faster/passing traffic. Reversible Lanes – Traffic lanes where traffic can travel in either direction depending on certain conditions (usually rush hour traffic). Pay attention to signs and signals when thinking about using these lanes. HOT/HOV Lanes – Lanes designed for vehicles that have two or more occupants, some states have a toll/fee for using these lanes. HOT Lanes Are much like an IPASS lane (car has transponder in it), but they are separated by regular traffic with a barrier or median. Speed limit and Common Speed – Common speed allows you to blend better with traffic, but if it is above the speed limit resist speeding because you are breaking the law. Drivers who exceed the common speed generally weave in and out of traffic which increases the danger to other drivers.
Changing Lanes Avoid making lane changes too often. Avoid changing multiple lanes at one time. Avoid changing lanes when others are changing too. Avoid Multiple Lane Changes – Each lane should be a separate move and requires a separate signal. Watch for others changing lanes too!!!
Passing and Being Passed Pass on the left…it’s safer!! If being passed: Change lane position if necessary to increase space To let them pass quickly reduce your speed slightly
Exiting Controlled-Access Highways Locate the proper exit: Deceleration Lane Exit Ramp Advisory Speed Limit Identify type of ramp Do Not Slow Down on the Expressway Itself!!!! Deceleration Lane – An added lane where it is safe to slow down without blocking the vehicles behind you. Exit Ramp – Ramp leading off the highway. Be aware of advisory speeds for ramps. Identify the type of ramp so you can slow down appropriately.
3 Common Exiting Problems Ramp Overflow Crossing Paths Short Deceleration Lane Ramp Overflow – Exiting traffic backs up onto the expressway. Dangerous situation that can cause a collision if drivers are scanning ahead and identifying the problem. Crossing Paths – Exit ramp is just after and entrance ramp. Dangerous situation because traffic merging onto the expressway is accelerating while traffic exiting the expressway is decelerating. If exiting try to time so you fit in behind entering/accelerating traffic. Common on cloverleaf type interchanges. Short Deceleration Lane – Need to identify this so you can slow down more quickly. Judge the length of the lane Identify the exit ramp speed Check your speed Check for following traffic
Highway Problems and Features Drivers Highway Hypnosis Velocitation Disabled Vehicles Use hazard lights Raise hood Tie white cloth to antenna Stand near the back of the car away from the road Highway Hypnosis – Being lulled into an inattentive, drowsy state because of the length of the drive and the lack of change in the scenery. Velocitation – Unconsciously driving too fast as a result of an extended drive on an expressway. Especially dangerous as you are exiting; check your speedometer and the ramp speed.
Expressway Wolf-packs Vehicles bunching together on an expressway. Avoid to keep space cushion and reduce risk Change speed to avoid packs Become a “loner” and drive in between packs is possible
Roadways and Toll Plazas Beltway Spur Manual Lane Automatic Lane IPASS Lane Beltway – loop around a city (3 digit number starting with an even number) Spur – Branch going into a city (3 digit number starting with an odd number) Manual Lane – where you need to make change Automatic Lane – have exact change IPASS Lane – Transponder in car that automatically deducts the toll charge. Why does the state charge you more to pay cash?
For Your Quiz Be able to explain the safe driving strategies for expressway driving. Know the situations that require you to increase your following distance. Be able to explain why there are fewer collisions on expressways. Explain what you should do if you encounter a “wolf pack.” List and explain the common exiting problems. Define highway hypnosis. Define velocitation.