New Life Chapter 21
He is Risen Imagine how the apostles felt at the time of Jesus’ death The man they believed to be the Son of God, whom they had followed for three years, who performed many miracles, and who ate the Passover meal with them, died on the Cross. The man they loved died—they must have been filled with tremendous sorrow. They were disappointed in themselves for not staying with Jesus at the time of his persecution and Crucifixion. They were full of fear for their own lives. They were confused about their belief in Jesus.
Easter Sunday Morning Some of the women who had travelled with Jesus and the apostles went to the tomb to finish the burial process. When they arrived at the tomb, the stone had been rolled back and an angel was sitting on it. The angel told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. After the women looked in the tomb, they ran back to the apostles who then went to see for themselves. They also found an empty tomb.
Jesus is Risen When the apostles were gathered together, Jesus suddenly appeared among them. Lk 24:36-48 The apostles panicked thinking they were seeing a ghost. Jesus reassured them by inviting them to touch his flesh and by eating a piece of cooked fish. He continued to appear to the apostles to confirm their faith and to continue to instruct them on His teachings. We have every reason to believe...
Ascension Forty days after His Resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven in the presence of His followers. He promised to send the Holy Spirit who would lead them in all truth and give them special power to extend Christ’s Church to every part of the earth. He also promised to remain with His Church always, even to the end of the world. The Acts of the Apostles continues the story of the early Church.
Resurrected Life When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, He proved that He was truly the Son of God, as He had said. This also meant that His death had not been in vain. He really had redeemed the world from sin. His Resurrection was a also a sign that He had brought us new life, the life of sanctifying grace. This sanctifying grace enables us to desire and to do what God wants and what will truly make us happy. Jesus’ Resurrection is also a sign of hope that we too will one day rise from the dead just as He did. The Easter Gift Story
The Resurrected Body Immortal—the body will not die again. Jesus won eternal life and conquered death by his death, Resurrection, and Ascension into heaven. Lucid—beautiful and perfect (radiantly illuminated) Spiritual—united completed to the will of God Impassible—no suffering; raised up and glorified Agile—not limited by time and space
ANGELS An angel is a pure spirit created by God. There are nine choirs of angels. They are God’s messengers. We should honor the angels, pray to our guardian angels, and thank them for watching over us. Seraphim: The choir of angels closest to God’s Throne. Cherubim: This choir is noted for its perfect vision of God and the beauty of creation. Thrones: The thrones are the choir through which God accomplishes his judgments. Dominions: This choir directs the Virtues and Powers in their duty of governing the laws of creation. Virtues: Virtues give the power to accomplish the ordering of nature. Powers: Powers are responsible for directing the remaining choirs and carry out what has been commanded. Principalities: These angels lead the last two orders in the direct implementation of God’s will. Archangels: The Archangels serve God’s saving plan, doing whatever is necessary. Angels: God’s messengers and guardians to mankind.