Introduction to the 4th Year Program Class of 2019
Director, fourth year program Dr. Meg Keeley
Electives Coordinator Jill Clarke office: 924-5570
Goals and Objectives of 4th Year To allow students the opportunity to fashion intellectually stimulating educational programs. To broaden students’ educational horizons beyond narrow specialty areas and permit students to gain valuable experiences in areas peripheral to their main area(s) of interest. To assist students who are uncertain about career specialty decisions by offering a broad selection of opportunities. To provide opportunities to explore one or more specialty areas in depth. To allow students who feel deficient in their training the opportunity to gain additional experience in these areas.
Graduation Requirements For the Class of 2019, a minimum of 46 credits is required for graduation : a 4 credit Advanced Clinical Elective (ACE) the 2 credit DX-RX Course the 2 credit Geriatrics Clerkship the 2 credit Internship Readiness Course 36 Elective credits
Electives Course Catalog
Advanced clinical elective
Advanced Clinical elective objectives The student will participate in the exercise of advanced clinical thinking and patient care skills under direct supervision of physicians. The student will learn and practice advanced H&P skills and be taught basic procedures depending on the selected ACE. The student will become more proficient in patient presentations, selection of appropriate diagnostic studies, data gathering, data assimilation and patient management. The student will learn how multiple, simultaneous clinical tasks and problems are managed. In the surgical and obstetrical specialties the student will assist the attending physician in surgeries and in births. The student will participate in the diagnosis, preoperative care, surgery and postoperative care of these patients. They will receive advanced instruction in surgical techniques.
Advanced Clinical elective objectives Students are expected to improve their knowledge base through individual reading and didactic sessions. The experience is patient-centered and based on the patients encountered by the student. The student will demonstrate the qualities of commitment, trustworthiness, integrity, compassion and respect of the patient’s autonomy, confidentiality and need for information. The student will demonstrate professional attributes with regard to professional responsibility.
Advanced Clinical Elective You may complete more than one Elective designated as an ACE. You may not take time off during any Elective scheduled as an ACE. An ACE must be 4 contiguous weeks in duration. Any rotation that is designated as an ACE can also be scheduled as a non-ACE rotation with approval of the elective supervisor.
Advanced Clinical Electives Critical Care Medicine/SICU Family Medicine-Inpatient Family Medicine-Outpatient IM-Acute Cardiology IM-Gastroenterology IM-Hospitalist Service IM-General Medicine East IM-General Medicine West IM-General Medicine Central Neurology Neurosurgery Maternal Fetal Medicine Ambulatory Gynecology Gynecologic Oncology Urogynecology Orthopedic Surgery Ambulatory Pediatrics Neonatology Pediatrics-Inpatient Clinical Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery Plastics Preceptorship Psychiatry-Western State General Surgery-Pediatrics General Surgery-Orange General Surgery-Blue General Surgery-Green General Surgery-Red Trauma Surgery/Critical Care Emergency General Surgery Urology
14 rotations—each rotation is 4 weeks SCHEDULING 4th YEAR 14 rotations—each rotation is 4 weeks Block A-March 12-June 30 (Rotations 1-4) Block B-July 2-November 17 (Rotations 5-9) Block C-November 26-April 27 (Rotations 10-14)
The process Meet with your Dean to discuss specialty choice and 4th year scheduling—October-December OASIS LOTTERY a. ACE Lottery-January 19th -22nd b. Geriatric Clerkship Lottery-after ACE lottery c. Electives Lottery-after Geriatrics lottery DxRx Course: February 26th – March 9th (tentative) Block A Form & Residency Advisor Form – March 9th March 12th– Begin 4th year electives
Residency Advisor Your Dean serves as your residency advisor until you decide on specialty choice. Residency advisors must be selected from the list of approved advisors for each specialty. Your residency advisor should be available for periodic consultation about your residency application process including CV preparation, review of personal statement, planning for letters of recommendation, program selection, interview preparation, rank list and Match outcome.
Scheduling Forms Specially Arranged – these include rotations at UVA that are not listed in the Student Source and Electives at non-LCME approved sites – a Specially Arranged elective form must be submitted for Dr. Keeley’s review at least one month prior to the elective start date. Research – the Research Proposal Form must be submitted for Dr. Keeley’s review at least one month prior to the elective start date. It must include a copy of the IRB approval if required and a detailed timeline of proposed work. Away – to schedule Electives at other LCME-approved sites, apply through VSAS or follow application procedure at that institution. Must submit acceptance letter for away elective to be scheduled. International – submit the International Elective Form to the Electives Coordinator at least one month in advance of trip. Also, submit the International Studies Office on-line form; have an appointment with Student Health to meet vaccination requirements and have evacuation insurance. You must also attend a required orientation.
The Strictly Enforced Rules CREDIT WILL NOT BE GRANTED RETROACTIVELY. All arrangements for Elective experiences must be submitted to the Electives Coordinator for approval before the Elective begins. Scheduling forms for Specially Arranged, International, Research in Humanities & Research rotations must be submitted at least a month in advance. Acceptance letters from any Away electives at other institutions must be submitted to the Electives Coordinator or the elective will not be added to your schedule in OASIS and you WILL NOT receive credit. You must comply with paperwork deadlines, published on the calendar, even if you are away from the University.
The Strictly Enforced Rules No concurrent credit will be granted with the exceptions: with the pre-approval of the rotation supervisor, ACLS, PALS or the Interdisciplinary Humanities Seminars may be taken during a non-required rotation for one credit. Electives must be dropped by the published deadline for each rotation. Any drop after the deadline will result in loss of credit for that rotation. Students who drop after the deadline cannot earn credit for other Elective work they do during that rotation – even if they have scheduled a second Elective prior to the deadline.
The Strictly Enforced Rules Electives are of four weeks duration, unless otherwise indicated. If a student is interested in doing less than 4-weeks, they must get approval from elective supervisor. Electives can be arranged during scheduled vacation times or across rotation dates, with course supervisor approval. No credit is given for Elective experiences of less than two weeks duration.
The Strictly Enforced Rules No more than 12 credits may be earned in one clinical or research area. Clinical and research rotations in the same area are counted separately. A student may participate in more than 12 weeks in one area, but the additional time will not earn credit towards graduation. Credit will be given for no more than 8 weeks in Electives in Humanities and Ethics in Medicine.
Attendance Attendance at Elective activities is mandatory. Requests for excused absences must go to the Student Affairs Deans. No time off is allowed during an Elective scheduled as an ACE. No time off is allowed during the Geriatrics Clerkship except during interview season (October 1-February 1). Anyone who is ill or has a personal or family emergency must contact Student Affairs and the Attending on Service. Students are allowed to take up to 1 day per week off (or 4 days during a 4-week rotation) to interview between October 1 and February 1.
Block A—March 12, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Block A form due March 9th -will be Reviewed by Dean Complete any remaining clerkships/shelf exams Specialty decision Select and meet with Residency Advisor ACE Letters of recommendation USMLE Step 2 CK – must be completed by Nov 1st USLMLE Step 2 CS – must be completed by Nov 1st
Block B – July 2, 2018 - November 17, 2018 Block B form due June 1st -must be signed by advisor Letters of Recommendation ACE USMLE Step 2 CK – must be completed by Nov 1st USMLE Step 2 CS – must be completed by Nov 1st Complete ERAS—submit September 15th Audition Electives MSPE released October 1 Interview Season mid-October-mid January Research International electives
Block C – November 26, 2018 - April 27, 2019 Block c form due Oct 19th -must be signed by advisor Interviews – schedule time off Rank Order List Research International Electives MATCH DAY-MARCH 15, 2019! All evaluations due by May 6, 2019
How to receive credit Credit for rotations is granted when a “pass” evaluation is completed in Oasis. All rotations are Pass/Fail. The evaluation must be completed by the Course Supervisor. Elective evaluations can be viewed in Oasis. Individual elective rotations and grades are not listed on your UVA transcript - the entire 4th Year Program is given a grade of Pass when you complete the graduation requirements.
How to receive credit Research Elective credit requires both a satisfactory evaluation form and submission of a detailed final report. The final report should include what was accomplished and/or a copy of a manuscript/abstract/poster and should be submitted within one month of completing the rotation.
What do I need to do to Begin electives: Meet with your Dean who will give you the printed handbook. Discuss your Elective choices with your Dean, focusing on Block A (rotations 1-4) and on lottery electives for the entire year. Enter ACE choices in ACE Lottery in OASIS – beginning Friday, Jan. 19th Enter Geriatrics Clerkship choices in OASIS – after ACE results are released Enter your Lottery Electives Choices in OASIS – after Geriatrics results are released
What do I need to do to Begin electives: In early February – you may begin adding /dropping electives in OASIS, scheduling arranged electives, research electives, away rotations. Block A Form due by March 9th– which will be reviewed by your College Dean. Choose a residency advisor & submit residency advisor form by March 9th. If you are not able to identify a residency advisor by this date, your College Dean can remain your “advisor” until you’ve made a specialty choice, then you need to submit the residency advisor form.
You Must check oasis! If an elective is not on your schedule in OASIS, you are not enrolled in that elective and you will not receive credit for it even if you complete the elective. Block forms that you submit for Block A, B and C are just indications of your plans for your Dean, Residency Advisor and the 4th Year Director to review. They are NOT your schedule. If you are accepted for an away rotation through VSAS or through the institution, that does not mean it is on your schedule in OASIS. You must submit your acceptance letter. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR SCHEDULE IN OASIS PRIOR TO STARTING AN ELECTIVE!
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