Military Transcripts: AARTS, SMART and CCAF Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the transfer of military credit from AARTS, SMART and CCAF. This Module will help familiarize you with the “ins and outs” of the Military Transcript.
WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values: The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the Wayland Baptist University Mission and University Core Values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the University.
Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to evaluate credit from the military transcripts; Army/American Council on Education (AARTS), Sailor/Marine/Ace Registry Transcript (SMART) and the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) for our degree plans. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able to identify the uses of the military transcript for credit towards our degree programs. The goal is for the advisor to have a good grasp on the uses behind the military transcript and have the knowledge to evaluate the information for the use on degree plans for the appropriate student population. The advisor should also be able to provide details to the student about the transferability of credit and commonly used course substitutions.
Purpose for the Military Transcript The AARTS/SMART is a computerized transcript system that provides transcripts for eligible Soldiers and Veterans upon request by combining a Soldier’s/Veteran’s military education, training and experience with descriptions and credit recommendations developed by the American council on Education (ACE) The military transcripts takes the training that is completed for the military and converts it to ACE recommended hours, which in turn allows the university to evaluate the training for college credit hours. To provide information to Academic Advisors on how to interpret the military transcript for degree evaluations. ACE (American Council on Education) has evaluated military training so they list their recommendation of credit hours for each area that is evaluated. Since Wayland is a member of SOC we accept credit from ACE recommendations based on the title given in that recommendation. Some of the credits may be used in a specialization, or general education or a major.
Military Transcript AARTS- SMART- Coast Guard Institute – CCAF- ACE recommended hours for training for all individuals serving or veteran with the United States Army. SMART- ACE recommended hours for training for all individuals serving or veteran with the United States Navy or Marine Corp. Coast Guard Institute – Transcript hours on training with the United States Coast Guard. CCAF- An Associate’s degree program offered by the United States Air Force. Evaluated as a junior college for credit towards the Degree Plan Here we can find definitions of each military transcript.
AARTS Transcript: Military Service School-MSS This is what the MSS will look like on an AARTS Transcript. MSS credit is evaluated based on recommended hours i.e. MSS 2100 PERSONAL PHYSICAL CONDITIONING. It will also be consecutive in numbering if there is more than one evaluation that is given that same number of hours for credit i.e., MSS 2101 OUTDOOR SKILLS PRACTICUM. This is the same when evaluating the MOS hours as well.
AARTS Transcript: Military Occupational Specialties - MOS This is an example of what the MOS will look like on the AARTS transcript. MOS credit is evaluated the same as the MSS credit, the only difference is the prefix will change from MSS to MOS and numbering will start over again. We can not grant credit for “Duty” but can grant credit from the “Primary” and “Secondary”. You must check that credit can be awarded during the specific time a soldier was in the MOS. Some ACE Recommendation for credit states “Credit can be awarded only from (specific date) to (specific date). If the soldier doesn’t have a primary or secondary during that specific time, you can’t award the credit.
SMART TRANSCRIPT – MSS Credit This is an example of MSS credit for the SMART Transcript. The ACE identifier starts with NV. Notice that the credit duplicates that of Q-050-0500 which is the Military Course ID.
SMART Transcript – MOS Credit Here is an example of MOS Credit for the SMART Transcript. Your ACE identifier is NER. For all credit from AARTS, SMARTS or the Coast Guard you must list all credit recommended on the appropriate page (MOS/MSS Cover Sheet) so you don’t overlook upper level credit or practicum. You will find some course titles listed multiple times but you can only grant credit one time and you probably want to grant the most amount of credit. Some titles grant 2 hours for one training but grant 3 hours for another training. You can not combine them but you would want to grant the 3 hours.
CCAF Transcript This is an example of a CCAF Transcript.
MSS-MOS Tab on Degree Plan PREFIX and TITLE SCHOOL HOURS GRADE MSS AR-2201-0399 MSS 1000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 CR AR-0709-0032 MSS 2300 BASIC LIFE SUPPORT AND FIRST AID MSS 2301 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY MSS 2200 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2 MSS 2201 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY AR-2201-0253 MSS 2202 PRINCIPLES OF SUPERVISION MSS 2203 MILITARY SCIENCE Here we have an example of how to fill in the MSS-MOS Tab of the degree plan. Here an advisor will use the ACE recommended credit from the SMART/AARTS transcript for the degree plan. Credit is based on the lower-level credit and will start with the numeral 2 or if it is upper level with start with the numeral 3. If there is consecutive credits they will follow sequentially i.e. 2300, 2301. If it is a military service school it is labeled MSS; if it is a military occupational specialty it is labeled MOS. You will notice the AR number is listed. This is very helpful when trying to locate the specific course on the AARTS/SMART transcript.
Applying Credit Credit can be applied to the MAJOR on the BAS-AS degree plan MEDICAL STUDIES MOS 2010 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE MOS 10 CR MSS 2300 BASIC LIFE SUPPORT AND FIRST AID MSS 3 MSS 2301 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY MOS 2302 BASIC EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROCEDURES 2 This is an example of how the credit is listed for the Specialization to the BAS-AS degree plan. Credits are entered on the degree plan based on the evaluation of the Academic Advisor. Each advisor will attempt to maximize all College Level Credits first, then recommended credits from the students Military Transcript and finally any work experience that the student have. Also note, that 12 hrs of Practicum can be used in the students Major, if applicable. Any additional hours, up to 12, will be used in the EPD Block.
Additional Information The SPECIALIZATION is based off the military training and is evaluated using a Military Service School (MSS) or Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) prefix. Always make sure the credit you are granting applies to the specialization.
Common Mistakes: AARTS/SMART awards both lower and upper level credit hours, advisors must remember to adjusting the number of required Upper Level credit hours. Duplicating courses with the MSS/MOS credit. The use of Practicum/Clinical hours Transferring in courses from another institution that have not been approved through the University’s courses evaluated list or by the evaluator. Allowing students to take courses without the proper prerequisite or in an incorrect order. Not advising students of the proper sequence in their class rotation. (i.e. Taking RSWR 3345 at the beginning of their degree) “Vocational” credits and “duty” credits are non transferable. Allowing students to take a course that is not an approved elective. Here are some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student. Always follow the hierarchy when putting assessed credit on a degree plan.
Summary Review: This training module focused on the Military Transcript. At its conclusion, the user should know the use the ACE recommended credits, the areas in which they can be applied, and the differences between the MSS and MOS. Advisors should be able to explain the evaluation of military transcripts to maximize credit for students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. In summary, as an advisor or evaluator you should know how to use ACE recommended credit on a degree plan and where to apply the credit.
Training Record In order to receive credit for 5.2.15 – Military Credit, please click the link below. All information must be complete in order to receive credit. You may return to this module at any time for a review. Complete Training