The Voluntary Sector Thrive Partnership
Grant Agreement between Bolton CCG and Bolton CVS for Bolton CVS to facilitate a voluntary sector partnership as part of Bolton’s Children and Young People’s Emotional Well Being and Mental Health Transformation Plan Partners agreed by panel of NHS Bolton CCG, Bolton CVS and Youth Council representative Project Ideas Forms submitted outlining the project/activity and costs Partnership meetings held throughout the process to discuss the needs of young people, what the offer could be, how partners will work together and outcomes for young people in Bolton. Partners agreed and funding distribution April 2017
THRIVE BLGC Bolton YMCA BAND Headspace Fortalice ZACS
Bolton CVS - Lead Agency - Point of contact with CCG Thrive partners Undertake Standardised Training Outcome based New & Enhanced Activities Signpost to services Targeted engagement with under represented groups Shared Learning/ Networking Small investment pots of up to £2,000 for new ideas Young Person's Decision Making Panel Thrive Partnership
Anticipated Thrive Outcomes Voluntary sector providers equipped to offer a consistent, quality offer of low level mental health and well-being support to children and young people A wider support network offer for children and young people with low level mental health issues Provision of a range of activities to promote positive mental health Effective signposting and referral on to other services as part of the new CAMHS (Child, Adult Mental Health Service) Pathway. A joint offer from the voluntary sector of young people and mental health low level provision.
The Thrive Offer Emotional health & well being workshops Safe Space Cafe for Young People with low level mental health issues Youth champions/Small investments decided by young person’s panel Emotional health & well being workshops Supporting development of healthy relationships using creative interactive activities and the recovery toolkit Tailored Training and support for staff across the partnership Development of Pathways with CAMHS