Fever in infants without source Dr. tariq al thobiti
The Febrile Infant - Who Has SBI?
Background Fever is the most common presenting chief complaint in pediatric patients presenting to the emergency department (ED). Accounting for up to 20% of ED visits. Most cases of fever are viral in origin, benign in course, and resolve spontaneously. Because of the young infants and specially neonates bacterial infection can be missed easily. Before the era of vaccination
Definition Bacterial gastroenteritis, Bacterial pneumonia, Cellulitis Fever Acute fever is fever for <7 days. The febrile young infant is defined as an infant < 90 days of age with a rectal temperature ≥ 38.0°C. In infants and children 3 to 36 months old, the threshold is 39°C (102.2°F). Serious bacterial illness (SBI) is typically defined as the presence of pathogenic bacteria in a previously sterile site and include: Urinary tract infection (UTI), Bacteremia, Meningitis, Osteomyelitis, Bacterial gastroenteritis, Bacterial pneumonia, Cellulitis Septic arthritis
Incidence/Prevalence: The incidence of serious bacterial infection (SBI) in febrile young infants (< 90 days of age) is 8% to 12.5% Huppler AR, Eickhoff JC, Wald ER. Pediatrics. 2010;125(2):228-233. (Systematic review) Higher in neonates (0 through 28 days of age), in whom the SBI rate is nearly 20%. Schwartz S, Raveh D, Toker O, et al. Arch Dis Child. 2009;94(4):287-292. (Retrospective; 449 patients) Bacterial meningitis is the most common missed diagnosis in pediatric medical malpractice claims.
Etiology And Pathophysiology
The febrile young infant is susceptible to both perinatally acquired and community-acquired infections including group B streptococcus (GBS), Escherichia coli and other gram-negative infections, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Staphylococcus aureus The cause of fever varies depending on the age of the child The vast majority of pediatric fever is due to infections the vast majority of infections are attributable to a viral source Bacterial disease is also an important cause of fever in children In all children less than 3 months of age, the urinary tract is the most common site of infection, followed by bacteremia and meningitis.
Why Fever tends to be of a higher clinical importance in younger children? Infants <3 months of age, and especially neonates, are relatively immu nosuppressed Incompletely vaccinated. Lack of effective communication, neonates and young infants may demonstrate few, if any, clinical clues to an underlying illness. Fever may be the only presenting symptom ED management varies dramatically depending on the age due to unique spectrum of age specific pathogens. Neonates and young infants demonstrate decreased macrophage and neutrophil function, and bone marrow exhaustion. Infants and children demonstrate a poor immunoglobulin G antibody response to encapsulated bacteria until 24 months of age. Therefore, the age of the patient and the virulence of the bacteria are considerations for the evaluation of fever in children and the identification of SBI. Management of children presenting to the ED varies dramatically depending on the age of the child with the following common, albeit arbitrary, divisions (0–28 days, 1–2 months, 2–3 months, 3–6 months, 6–36 months, 3 years to adulthood). These divisions reflect differing immunologic and vaccination milestones as well as the spectrum of age specific pathogens.
Differential Diagnosis Infectious causes: Infection is most common cause of fever without source in infants Noninfectious causes Noninfectious causes less common in fever without source in infants and young children Recent immunizations Malignancy Medications associated with fever Immunological Kawasaki disease Immunodeficiency
Protocols & Guidelines
Do we really need them? Studies have been conducted in an effort to identify patients who are low risk for bacterial infections and can be managed safely as outpatients with or without empiric antibiotic treatment. These studies established that certain infants can be managed safely as outpatients and can avoid unnecessary hospitalization. Huppier AR, Eickhoff JC, Wald ER, Pediatrics 2010;125:228. The incidence of SBI among infants categorized as low-risk after appropriate evaluation ranged from 0.5%-1.1% in studies that utilized or excluded the lumbar puncture as part of the initial evaluation, respectively. Baraff L, Ann Emerg Med 2000;36:602-614 The Boston, Rochester, and Philadelphia criteria were established from some of the largest and most applicable studies. Criteria have been developed to identify febrile young infants at low risk for SBI, and these criteria are utilized to avoid hospitalization in certain low-risk patients
Diagnostic Performance for Identifying Serious Bacterial Infection in Validation Studies:
Boston criteria not validated and in study most commonly cited for its derivation authors concluded "Clinical screening criteria did not enable discrimination between infants with and those without serious bacterial infections" and all febrile infants were empirically treated with ceftriaxone intramuscularly (J Pediatr 1992 Jan;120(1):22)
Which one to choose?
Limitations These studies varied in their patient population, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and uniformity in workup and management. This had led to a lack of consensus and debate concerning the best approach to care for the febrile infant. Despite the established guidelines, variability in application exists among many practitioners. Goldman RD, Scolnik D, Chauvin-Kimoff L. Pediatrics 2009;124:439-445. Bergman DA. Pediatrics 2006;117:787-795. Pantell RH.. JAMA 2004;291:1203-1212
Limitations Infants <28 days have found an increased number of missed SBI in this age group and higher prevalence of SBI when compared to their older counterparts. The patient population in the Boston and Philadelphia studies excluded infants under 1 month of age. A retrospective study that applied these low-risk criteria to febrile infants 1-18 days of age revealed a negative predictive value of 97% for both protocols. The Philadelphia and Rochester protocols also were reevaluated a prospective study that enrolled infants 56 days or younger. The authors here found the negative predictive value for the Philadelphia and Rochester criteria to be 97.1% and 97.3%, respectively, compared to the original report of 99.7% and 98.9%, respectively. Garra G, Cunningham SJ, Crain EF. Acad Emerg Med 2005;12:921-925. Studies that have evaluated the applicability of the various screening strategies to infants younger than 28 days have found an increased number of missed SBI in this age group and higher prevalence of SBI when compared to their older counter-parts. 10-12,33,34 The patient popula-tion in the Boston and Philadelphia studies excluded infants under 1 month of age. A retrospective study that applied these low-risk criteria to febrile infants 1-18 days of age revealed a negative predictive value of 97% for both protocols. 37 The authors concluded that these proto-cols, when applied to infants 28 days or younger, will miss 3% of febrile infants with SBI. The Philadelphia and Rochester protocols also were re-evaluated recently in a prospective study that enrolled infants 56 days or younger. The authors here found the negative predictive value for the Philadelphia and Rochester criteria to be 97.1% and 97.3%, respectively, compared to the original report of 99.7% and 98.9%, respectively. 38 Adequate compensation for this small percentage of missed SBI is addressed through the admission of all infants less than 1 month of age and the establishment of timely follow-up. The recognition of occult SBI in well-appearing neonates and infants <3 months of age is difficult. No single clinical variable or diagnostic test can correctly, or reliably, identify SBI in this age group.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on clinical assessment of feverish illness in children < 5 years old high risk for serious illness associated with pale/mottled/blue/ashen color, nonblanching rash no response to social cues, does not wake, or if roused, does not stay awake weak, high-pitched, or continuous cry grunting, tachypnea, moderate or severe chest indrawing reduced skin turgor temperature ≥ 39 degrees C (102.2 degrees F) in infants aged 3-6 months bulging fontanelle, neck stiffness, status epilepticus, focal neurologic signs or focal seizures bile-stained vomiting appearing ill to pediatrician NICE 2007 May:CG47, summary can be found in BMJ 2007 Jun 2;334(7604):116
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on clinical assessment of feverish illness in children < 5 years old at least intermediate risk for serious illness associated with pallor reported by caregiver not responding normally to social cues/no smile, wakes only with prolonged stimulation, decreased activity, poor feeding nasal flaring, tachypnea, crackles, oxygen saturation ≤ 95% on room air dry mucous membranes, reduced urine output capillary refill time ≥ 3 seconds fever duration ≥ 5 days limb or joint swelling, decreased use of an extremity, new lump > 2 cm NICE 2007 May:CG47, summary can be found in BMJ 2007 Jun 2;334(7604):116
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines on clinical assessment of feverish illness in children < 5 years old low risk for serious illness associated with absence of high or intermediate risk factors and all of normal skin, lip, and tongue color normal response to social cues, content/smiles, stays awake or awakens quickly, strong cry or not crying normal skin and eyes, moist mucous membranes NICE 2007 May:CG47, summary can be found in BMJ 2007 Jun 2;334(7604):116
ACEP guidelines for children < 3 years old presenting to ED with fever Infants aged 1-28 days with fever should be presumed to have serious bacterial infection (SBI) (A recommendation) Response to antipyretic medication does not change likelihood of SBI and should not be used for clinical decision-making (A recommendation) Role of blood tests (including cultures) not described in ACEP guidelines Regarding urinary tract infection (UTI) children < 1 year old with fever without source should be considered at risk for UTI (A recommendation) urethral catheterization or suprapubic aspiration are best methods for diagnosing UTI (B recommendation) obtain urine culture in conjunction with other urine studies when UTI suspected in child < 2 years old because negative urine dipstick or urinalysis may not exclude UTI (B recommendation) Obtain chest radiograph in febrile children < 3 months old with evidence of acute respiratory illness (B recommendation) Ann Emerg Med 2003 Oct;42(4):530
Conlcusion Due to increased risk of SBI in young infants specially neonates <28days Protocols & guidelines established a systematic approach for young infants: <28 days 1-3 months 3-36 months
History and Physical for young infants <90 days
History & Physical Used to identify possible causes and assess risk for serious illness If the physical examination does not identify a source of infection causing fever, decision making is based first upon age and then by height of fever. There are no absolute rules in the evaluation and management of fever
History Ask how temperature was taken (accuracy of temperature reading depends on measurement method) Bundling may increase skin but not rectal temperature.
Medication history Ask about recent or regular medication use or possible accidental ingestion, including antipyretics acetaminophen ibuprofen aspirin antibiotics which may affect evaluation by partially treating infection or confounding culture results be associated with fever due to drug hypersensitivity If infant is breastfeeding, ask about mother's medications may partially treat infection may confound cultures may be associated with fever or drug reactions
Past medical history (PMH): ask about prior febrile illnesses immunization status as potential cause of fever to determine susceptibility to pathogens chronic illness seizures prematurity presence of indwelling medical devices periodic fever syndromes and autoinflammatory syndromes associated with recurrent fevers in children
Social history (SH): ask about exposure to illness in family members, caretakers, friends, or others daycare travel history, including list of exposures and risk factors information about pre-travel immunizations or chemoprophylaxis during travel description of accommodations Reference - Am Fam Physician 2003 Oct 1;68(7):1343
Review of systems (ROS): to identify possible etiology for fever consider asking about lethargy irritability apnea shaking sweating decreased appetite or feeding difficulties congestion cough eye redness or discharge batting at ear trouble swallowing tachypnea dyspnea wheezing vomiting diarrhea rash cyanosis jaundice seizures joint swelling
General appearance Pediatric Assessment Triangle The pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) offers a sensible, orderly approach that can be used to assess children of all ages, identify abnormal cardiopulmonary physiology, and define the urgency and need for lifesaving interventions. Before touching the patient, one should observe the child from a distance for visual and auditory clues.
Temperature measurement accuracy of temperature reading depends on type of thermometer and measurement site National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommendations on feverish illness in children < 5 years old suggest not using oral or rectal routes to measure temperature in infants < 4 weeks old use electronic thermometer in axilla in children aged 4 weeks to 5 years, use electronic thermometer or chemical dot thermometer in axilla or infrared tympanic thermometer American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) clinical policy for children < 3 years old presenting to emergency department with fever considers rectal temperature > 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) the reference standard for defining fever
Temperature measurement infrared ear thermometer infrared ear thermometer does not appear to accurately predict rectal temperature tympanic thermometer appears to have low sensitivity for fever (rectally defined) in infants and preschool children tympanic temperature reported to accurately reflect pulmonary artery temperature so may be more accurate than rectal temperature home-use tympanic thermometers may be less accurate than clinical-use tympanic thermometers axillary temperatures may not accurately reflect rectal temperatures in children temporal artery thermometer appears more sensitive than tympanic thermometer but sensitivity for detecting rectally defined fever varies widely across 3 studies infrared skin thermometer applied to central forehead appears to agree with rectal thermometer readings in newborn infants pacifier thermometer may suggest fever in infants < 3 months old if high temperature but poor sensitivity limits utility
Temperature measurement Conclusion GO for Rectal
Skin look for evaluate skin turgor (hydration status) specific rash blistering or ulcerating lesions petechiae cyanosis or pallor capillary refill time ≥ 3 seconds evaluate skin turgor (hydration status)
HEENT look forbulging or sunken fontanelle red tympanic membrane nasal flaring nasal discharge red throat or gums ulcerations dry mucous membranes
Neck: evaluate for nuchal rigidity Cardiac: listen for cardiac murmur Lungs: evaluate inspiration and expiration listen for wheezing, rales Abdomen: evaluate for tenderness, distention, mass
Height of fever.. Response to antipyretic.. fever > 40 degrees C (104 degrees F) may be associated with increased risk of serious bacterial infection in infants < 3 months old. Pediatr Emerg Care 2005 May;21(5):291 response to antipyretic medication is not prognostic response to antipyretic medication does not change likelihood of child having serious bacterial infection and should not be used for clinical decision-making (A recommendation) ACEP guidelines decrease or lack of decrease in temperature 1-2 hours after antipyretic administration should not be used to differentiate between serious and nonserious illness. NICE guidelines
Workup For Alternative Sources Of Infection Controversy exists as to the extent of testing that should be performed in febrile young infants with alternative sources of fever, such as viruses. does the febrile infant aged < 90 days with bronchiolitis require the full sepsis workup, or can the fever be attributed to a viral source? concomitant bacterial and viral infections can occur, but viral infection may suggest lower risk of bacterial infection in febrile infants
documented viral infection associated with lower risk of SBI in high-risk febrile infants ≤ 90 days old based on prospective cohort study 1,385 infants ≤ 90 days old with temperature ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) had viral testing, bacterial cultures, and risk assessment by Rochester criteria 456 infants (33%) classified as low-risk, 922 (67%) classified as high-risk comparing infants with vs. without viral infection SBI in 4.2% vs. 12.3% (p = 0.0001) bacteremia in 1% vs. 2.7% (p = 0.038) in high-risk infants SBI in 5.5% vs. 16.7% (p < 0.0001) no significant differences in SBI occurrence in low-risk infants Pediatrics 2004 Jun;113(6):1662
bacterial infection found in 7% of febrile infants < 90 days old with enterovirus infection based on prospective cohort study 1,061 infants aged 1-90 days with temperature ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) had full sepsis evaluation and testing for enterovirus by polymerase chain reaction and/or viral culture enterovirus infection found in 20% among infants with enterovirus infection, 7% had concomitant SBI urinary tract infection in 12 infants (5.6%) bacteremia in 3 infants (1%), all in infants < 28 days old no infants had bacterial meningitis Reference - Pediatr Infect Dis J 2005 Jun;24(6):546
risk of SBI appears to be decreased in febrile infants ≤ 60 days old with influenza infection based on cross-sectional study 844 infants ≤ 60 days old with fever in emergency department had rapid antigen testing of nasopharyngeal wash or aspirate for influenza were evaluated positive influenza test in 123 infants (14%) among 809 infants with determination of SBI status, SBI identified in 95 (11.7%) comparing infants with positive vs. negative influenza test SBI in 2.5% vs. 13.3% (p < 0.001) urinary tract infection in 2.4% vs. 10.8% (p = 0.002) no significant differences for bacteremia, meningitis, or enteritis all SBIs in influenza-positive patients were urinary tract infections Reference - Pediatrics 2009 Jul;124(1):30
bacteremia found in 1.1% febrile infants < 60 days old with RSV infection based on prospective cohort study none had bacterial meningitis 1,248 infants < 60 days old with fever ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) presented to 8 pediatric emergency departments during RSV season over 3 years comparing infants with RSV infection vs. infants without RSV infection serious bacterial infection (bacterial growth from any source) in 6.3% vs. 11.8% (based on entire cohort) blood culture and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were done on all infants urinary tract infection in 5.4% vs. 10.1% (p < 0.05) based on 1,227 infants tested 269 (22%) had RSV infections 1.1% had bacteremia - pathogens included Escherichia coli (8 cases), group B streptococci (7 cases), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Salmonella, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacteroides bacteremia in 1.1% vs. 2.3% (not significant) based on 1,235 infants tested bacterial meningitis in 0% vs. 0.9% (not significant) based on 1,189 infants tested Reference - Pediatrics 2004 Jun;113(6):1728
serious bacterial infections may be rare in infants with clinical bronchiolitis based on retrospective cohort study 329 febrile infants < 90 days old with clinical bronchiolitis and no other localizing findings 94% had blood cultures, 61% had cerebrospinal fluid cultures no cases of bacteremia or meningitis were identified Reference - Pediatr Infect Dis J 2003 Dec;22(12):1053
RSV+ Levine et al prospectively enrolled 1248 febrile infants aged ≤ 60 days 269 of whom were positive for RSV. RSV-negative patients had an SBI rate of 12.5% RSV-positive patients had an SBI rate of 7.0%. This lower rate of SBI in febrile young infants with RSV was significant but still accounted for a substantial number of SBIs, especially UTI. When stratified by age, neonates aged ≤ 28 days with RSV infection had a 10.1% rate of SBI, including 3 patients with bacteremia (though no meningitis), and the SBI rate was not significantly different from RSV-negative neonates. In the 29- to 60-day age group, RSV-positive patients had a significantly lower rate of SBI than RSV-negative patients (5.5% vs 11.7%), and all infections were UTI
Acute otitis media - AOM an increasing incidence in young children and earlier onset of acute otitis media (AOM). One likely explanation is the high rate of daycare attendance Baskin MN. Pediatr Ann 1993;22:462. the presence of otitis does not correlate or increase the risk of an associated serious bacterial infection. Nozicka CA, Hanly JG, Beste DJ, et al. Otitis media in infants aged 0-8 weeks. Pediatr Emerg Care 1999;15:252-254. In the evaluation of 137 infants < 2 months of age with AOM, Turner et al reported no SBI in 37 children who were low risk outside of having AOM. Turner D, Leibovitz E, Aran A, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2002;21:669-674.
Workup For Alternative Sources Of Infection… Conclusion Given the high incidence of SBI in patients aged ≤ 28 days, the full sepsis workup should be performed in neonates with bronchiolitis or viral upper respiratory infection There is no standard of care in febrile infants aged 29 to 60 days with bronchiolitis. Given the high incidence of UTI, a urinalysis and urine culture should be performed, and strong consideration should be given to performance of a CBC and blood culture. it may be reasonable to treat an infant > 1 month of age with AOM, who is otherwise low risk, the same as a low-risk child without AOM.
Birth-28 days old
History and physical are not reliable to rule-out serious bacterial infection (SBI) 12-28% of febrile neonates have SBI, and a high rate of missed SBIs exist. (Ishimine, EM Clinics of N Amer, 2007) SBI includes UTIs (20%) bacteremia (3%) meningitis (1%) Think about other causes for SBI’s Pathogens: E. coli, GBS, HSV >> Listeria, Salmonella, Staph aureus
Management Investigation CBC with differential Blood cultures Catheterized urinalysis and urine culture (or via suprapubic tap) CSF studies (cell count, glucose, protein, gram stain, culture, extra tube to hold for potential other studies) Consider: Stool culture (if diarrhea) Consider: CXR and rapid viral testing (if respiratory sx or increased work of breathing, although viral testing should not change sepsis workup)
Young infants 1-3 months
SBI includes UTIs (up to 15%), bacteremia (1%), meningitis (0.2-0.4%) History and physical are not reliable to rule-out serious bacterial infection (SBI) SBI includes UTIs (up to 15%), bacteremia (1%), meningitis (0.2-0.4%) Think about other causes for SBI’s Pathogens: E. coli, GBS, S. pneumo >> N meningitides, H flu (type B), Staph aureus Management Criteria for low-risk for serious bacterial infection: Boston, Philadelphia, and Rochester criteria are 3 commonly used approaches for identifying febrile infants < 3 months old at low-risk for serious bacterial infection. NICE Guidelines ACEP Guidelines
Empiric parenteral antibiotics (if indicated) may include regimens: in neonates < 1 week old - cefotaxime 50 mg/kg (75-100 mg/kg if suspected meningitis) IV every 12 hours plus ampicillin 25-50 mg/kg IV every 8 hours in neonates 1-4 weeks old - cefotaxime 50 mg/kg (75-100 mg/kg if suspected meningitis) IV every 8 hours plus ampicillin 25-50 mg/kg IV every 6 hours in infants aged 1-3 months - ceftriaxone 50-100 mg/kg IV once daily (some experts recommended adding ampicillin) antibiotic selection may vary with suspected infection, early culture results, and local resistance patterns oral antibiotics not recommended consider acyclovir in neonates at risk for herpes simplex virus infection
Laboratory & Diagnostic Studies
Which one better? Can we really exclude SBI? Blood culture Complete blood count with differential (CBCD) IT Ratio (immature-to-total neutrophil) UA & Urine culture LP – CSF analysis CXR Stool CRP ESR Procalcitonin
Blood Culture indicated for all infants ≤ 3 months old with fever ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) Ishimine P. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2007 Nov;25(4):1087-115
Complete blood count with differential (CBCD) Recommended by National Institute for Clinical Health and Excellence (NICE) for all infants < 3 months old with fever Alternative approach measure in all infants < 2 months old with fever ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F), but WBC not adequate to identify infants with vs. without serious bacterial infection optional in low-risk infants aged 2-3 months with fever ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F)
WBC counts may NOT predict bacteremia in febrile infants < 90 days old based on retrospective cohort study 3,810 infants < 90 days old with fever ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) seen in emergency department were assessed bacteremia in 38 children (1%) no significant differences in WBC counts in infants with vs. without bacteremia Reference - Ann Emerg Med 2003 Aug;42(2):216
band count may not be helpful in differentiating bacterial vs band count may not be helpful in differentiating bacterial vs. viral infections in febrile children Based on subgroup analysis of prospective cohort study 100 children ≤ 2 years old who presented to pediatric emergency department with fever and diagnosed with laboratory-documented bacterial or respiratory viral infections were assessed fever defined as temperature ≥ 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F) in infants < 3 months old comparing bacterial infection vs. viral infection bacterial infection associated with higher mean WBC count (p < 0.01) absolute neutrophil count (p < 0.01) age (p = 0.04) temperature (p < 0.01) no significant differences in mean absolute band count percentage band count band/neutrophil ratio Reference - Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1999 Mar;153(3):261 full-text
Inflammatory markers: procalcitonin (PCT) C-reactive protein (CRP) ESR
Urine studies: urinalysis and urine culture indicated for all febrile infants ≤ 3 months old collect urine by catheterization or suprapubic aspiration to avoid specimen contamination rapid urine testing may include dipstick, microscopy, or Gram stain
Chest x-ray: Indicated for fever associated with respiratory symptoms Chest x-ray may show pneumonia in 26% of febrile children < 5 years old with white blood cell count (WBC) ≥ 20,000/mm3
Other models for assessing risk of SBI
Intermountain Clinical Programs Moving Evidence into Practice Reducing variation in compliance with evidence-based guidelines Care Process Models (CPMs) are narrative documents that aim at representing state-of-the-art medical knowledge. Clinical Decision Support Tools can include all ways in which health care knowledge is represented in health information systems.
Advantages of computerized EB-CPM Provide readily accessible references and allow access to knowledge in guidelines that have been selected for use in a specific clinical context Often improve the clarity of a guideline Can be tailored to a patient’s clinical state Propose timely decision support that is specific for the patient
Key Quality Measures Included in the EB-CPM (The Intervention) Six Sigma process Core Laboratory Testing (CBC and UA) Admit Patients High Risk for SBI Viral Testing (EV and Respiratory Viruses) Appropriate Antibiotics Stop Antibiotics within 36 hours for Infants with Negative Bacterial Cultures LOS 42 hours or less
EB-CPM Included history and physical examination recommendation to obtain complete blood count and urinalysis for all infants, and assessment of risk for SBI. Risk classification and care model appears to reduce antibiotic use and shorten length of stay without increasing risk of discharge with missed SBI Pediatrics 2012 Jul;130(1):e16
Child 3-36 months
Fever that should prompt workup in this age group: T ≥39.0C / 102.2F Fever in children 3 to 36 months of age is incredibly common and most cases represent self-limited viral illnesses. Common viral causes of fever in this age group include: viral upper respiratory infections, croup, bronchiolitis, stomatitis (typically caused by HSV or coxsackievirus), gastroenteritis, roseola, and Fifth’s disease (parvovirus B19 infection). Common bacterial infections include: Focal infections such as pyelonephritis, periorbital cellulitis, bacterial pharyngitis (group A Streptococcus), septic arthritis, retropharyngeal abscess, meningitis, as well as bacterial pneumonia.
Typically, these focal infections are apparent based on history and physical examination, and diagnostic testing and treatment should be directed accordingly. The history in this age group should focus on the duration of illness, associated symptoms that may focus the evaluation, immunization history classic meningeal signs such as nuchal rigidity are seen in less than 27% of infants (0–6 months) with bacterial meningitis.
Ishimine P. The Evolving Approach to the Young Child Who Has Fever and No Obvious Source. Emerg Med Clin N Am 25 (2007) 1087-1115
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